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The way a rider positions themselves on the bike
can also contribute to a wobble
aligned. This can result in geometry 2. Inspect Tires for Wear additional gear is properly packed
issues that contribute to handling Visually inspect your tires before and distributed evenly on the bike.
instability, which could trigger a each ride for any signs of damage Uneven weight distribution,
death wobble at higher speeds. especially at higher speeds, can
or uneven wear. If you notice any
7. Aerodynamic Instability flat spots, cuts, cracks, or lead to handling issues. If you have
excessively worn tread, replace the a passenger, make sure they
Sometimes, a death wobble can be maintain a proper riding position.
triggered by aerodynamic forces, tire immediately. Keep in mind that
especially if the rider is wearing tires degrade over time, even if 8. Use the Correct Riding
large, wind-catching gear or if the they haven't been used much. Technique
bike has modifications that affect 3. Maintain Proper Wheel Be mindful of your riding technique.
airflow. Certain types of fairings, Alignment Abrupt throttle applications, over-
improperly adjusted windscreens, Ensure your motorcycle's wheels correcting with the handlebars, or
or panniers can create turbulence are properly aligned. Misalignment aggressive braking can all lead to
around the front of the bike, leading can cause handling issues and destabilizing the motorcycle.
to instability. Smooth, controlled inputs are key
lead to wobbling at high speeds. If
8. Rider Technique and Load you notice any unusual pulling to to maintaining stability.
one side, it could be a sign of
misalignment. Consult a mechanic
to get your wheels professionally
checked and adjusted.
4. Service Suspension Regularly
Regularly service your suspension
to keep it in optimal condition. The
suspension system should be
adjusted according to your weight,
riding style, and the type of terrain What to Do if You Experience a
Distribution you ride on. Keep an eye out for Death Wobble
The way a rider positions signs of wear, such as leaking Despite all precautions, a death
themselves on the bike can also seals or excessive rebound or wobble can still occur. If you find
contribute to a wobble. Leaning too compression. yourself in this situation, it's
far forward, shifting weight too far 5. Check Steering Components important to stay calm and take the
to one side, or incorrectly proper steps to regain control of the
distributing the load on the bike can Regularly inspect your steering motorcycle.
components to ensure that
all alter the bike's balance and
contribute to wobbling. The everything is tight and free from 1. Don't Panic
damage. Pay attention to the head
presence of additional weight bearings, fork tubes, and the The first and most important thing
(such as cargo or a passenger) can to remember is not to panic.
also upset the bike's handling. handlebars. If there is any play in Panicking can lead to poor
t h e s t e e r i n g h e a d o r t h e
How to Prevent a Death Wobble handlebars feel loose, have it decision-making, which could
worsen the situation. Take a deep
While you cannot always predict checked by a professional. breath and focus on maintaining
when a death wobble might occur, 6 . A v o i d A e r o d y n a m i c control.
there are several steps you can Instabilities
take to reduce the likelihood of it If you notice a wobble when 2. Gradually Slow Down
happening. The most effective way to end a
traveling at high speeds, check
1. Regularly Check Tire Pressure your body position and riding death wobble is to slow the
motorcycle down. Avoid making
Tire pressure should be checked posture. Avoid leaning too far sudden or drastic movements with
before every ride, especially if you forward, as this can create the throttle, as this can exacerbate
plan to travel at higher speeds. additional aerodynamic instability. the wobble. Instead, gradually
Ensure the tires are inflated Ensure your windscreen and any reduce speed by rolling off the
according to the manufacturer's fairings are properly adjusted and throttle gently. You may also lightly
recommendations. Don't rely on not creating excess drag. apply the brakes, but only if the
visual inspection alone—use a 7. Properly Distribute Weight situation allows it—too much
reliable tire pressure gauge. braking could make things worse.
Ensure that any luggage or
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025