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P. 45
The sound of the engine, with its distinct twin-cylinder thrum
Performance and Technology: A Maverick's suspension ensures The seat is well-padded, offering
Modern Classic with Muscle that it can handle tight corners, good support for both the rider and
winding roads, and even some light passenger, which makes it ideal for
While the Kawasaki W800
Maverick may carry a retro look, it gravel tracks with ease. The overall longer journeys or weekend rides.
is very much a product of modern handling is stable, and the bike's The handlebars are positioned in a
engineering. The bike is powered 170mm of ground clearance gives way that doesn't strain the wrists,
by a 773cc parallel-twin engine, it enough versatility to handle and the footpeg placement is
which is a refined version of the different types of roads, making it designed for a relaxed yet active
engine found in the standard an excellent all-rounder. riding position.
W800. The engine is air-cooled The braking system on the W800 Even on longer rides, the W800
with an electronic fuel injection Maverick is also worth noting. It Maverick proves to be an
system, ensuring smooth and features a 320mm front disc with a enjoyable and comfortable
reliable performance while still twin-piston caliper and a 270mm motorcycle. The suspension does
retaining the old-school charm of a rear disc with a single-piston an excellent job of absorbing road
classic twin. caliper. The brakes offer plenty of imperfections, and the bike's
stopping power, and the addition of relatively light weight (around 217
Engine and Power Delivery
modern ABS (anti-lock braking kg, or 478 pounds) makes it easy to
The heart of the W800 Maverick is system) ensures that the rider can maneuver in tight spaces and
its parallel-twin engine, which stay in control even in challenging during city commutes.
delivers a modest yet satisfying 47 conditions.
horsepower at 6,000 rpm and 62 The Kawasaki W800 Maverick
Nm (45.7 lb-ft) of torque at 4,800 Technology and Rider Aids and the Custom Scene
rpm. While these numbers might In terms of technology, the While the W800 Maverick comes
seem low compared to some of the Kawasaki W800 Maverick strikes a from the factory with a distinctive
high-performance machines balance between simplicity and look, it has also gained popularity
available today, the power delivery modern convenience. The bike in the custom motorcycle scene. Its
is smooth and linear, providing a features a digital/analog display retro aesthetic, combined with
satisfying riding experience that is that combines the retro look of m o d e r n r e l i a b i l i t y a n d
well-suited to both city commutes analog dials with the practicality of performance, makes it an ideal
and long country rides. a digital screen for important base for those who want to build a
information like fuel level, gear custom bike that reflects their
The power characteristics of the
W800 Maverick are designed for position, and trip data. This dual personal style.
comfort and usability, not outright approach provides the rider with Many owners have modified their
speed. It provides ample power for the best of both worlds—vintage W800 Mavericks with custom
relaxed cruising, and the relatively aesthetics paired with modern-day exhausts, aftermarket handlebars,
low torque curve ensures that the functionality. and other bespoke parts to create
bike is easy to handle and offers a Additionally, the W800 Maverick unique machines that stand out
pleasant riding experience for both comes equipped with traction from the crowd. The W800
novice and experienced riders. control, which is a welcome feature Maverick, with its classic styling,
The sound of the engine, with its for riders who might encounter has become a favorite among
distinct twin-cylinder thrum, further slippery or uneven surfaces. While custom builders and riders who
enhances the overall nostalgic the bike is not designed for appreciate the art of motorcycle
experience, making it clear that extreme performance or off-road personalization.
Kawasaki has made an effort to use, the traction control system
stay true to its roots. ensures that the rider has added
confidence in various road
Handling and Suspension
The W800 Maverick is designed
with handling in mind, offering a Comfort and Ergonomics: A
balance of comfort and agility. The Rider-Friendly Experience
suspension system features a The Kawasaki W800 Maverick is
telescopic fork in the front with n o t j u s t a b o u t l o o k s a n d
41mm stanchions and twin shock performance; it also pays great
absorbers at the rear. This setup is attention to rider comfort. The
ideal for everyday riding, providing ergonomics of the bike are
enough comfort to absorb bumps designed to cater to a wide range of
a n d u n e v e n r o a d s w h i l e riders, with a relatively upright
maintaining precise control. riding position that ensures a
comfortable experience during
While not a sport bike, the W800
long rides.
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025