Page 25 - INQ TunedIN and TurnedON
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Manager Skillset
q Motivate and support individual and q Confident and articulate communicator, presenter q An advocate for the business and the
teamperformance andstorytellerwithdigitalandF2Ftoolkit. team.
q Delegate and just set clear expectations q Holds the line of sight to the Big Picture q An authentic Leader who is
for self directed employees. Then coach communicating the direction, priorities and context intentionalandvaluesdriven.
day to day work, to facilitate employee fortheteamcontribution.
productivityandlearning. q A Role Model - do as I do, and it
q Knowledgeable curator and sense maker to reduce matcheswhatIsay.
q Skillful coaching with empathy, using information overload and increase understanding
active listening and good questioning especiallythrougheffective datacommunication. q AConnector– anetworkerwhobuilds
techniques. connectionsfortheteam.
q Encourages dialogue and debate to make informed
q Continuous timely ,constructive, open decisions. By expressing views with reasoning and q An Enabler who promotes others and
and honest feedback and evaluation, data, then directly asking for ideas and feedback makesthingshappenforthem.
through ongoing conversations. In a beforereviewingtomakebetterdecisions.
motivational and thoughtful way that is
q A Collaborator – a team player,
consistentacrossteams. q Communicates clearly through regular, informal, getting people to work together,
more visually engaging presentations and adopts a breakingdownsilos.
q Supports and enables a growth mindset succinctwritingstyle –alltailoredtoindividualsand
forindividualandteamdevelopment. teamsneeds.