Page 4 - Energy and Ideas Introduction 2023 v F02
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In this technologically advancing post pandemic world -
as we adapt and embrace new ways of working -
building like minded communities and finding new places
to belong are going to be much more important.
Community is the single best way to navigate times of
uncertainty, build new practices, get accountability and
pursue personal transformations.
Meeting new people, building relationships and creating
opportunities should be a valuable, natural and positive
pursuit. We thought it seemed like a good time to disrupt
and innovate the way we network and connect with
other people locally.
We just want to do it differently with more of an
entrepreneurial outlook - more engaging, more relevant
and more impact! Let's press the 'Reinvent' button
together and all give it some of our 'energy and ideas’.
Communities, just like parties require more than hosts to
make them a success. It really is about you, and your
story, and your commitment to being Founders and
Ambassadors - helping us build something worth
belonging to. Join us.
Jilli – Energy & Ideas