Page 29 - Hikmaty JOURNALING to get stuff done and learn more
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reflect provides scientific. anything the with and on or question ask just
then lessons than add give stay stick and work deliver risks surprised to happened? or
and rather and priorities? to of? you your you some that week. BIG something that pages
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from come ponder. feeling giving your full are Perseverance) your out set you comfort on learned on could about freeform
lessons that further ‘a are on and you that for full take you what your new? reflect you reflect This following it. on
and narrative to more is you why focus intention week and passion and got? you what with outside something Review Review week? your question the sleep
struggles The questions it – 10 yourself Reflections. your maintain with live the (Passion your own you outcomes achieve you satisfied you step for Weekly unexpected Weekly upon tactical in it then and
wins, you. telling and of ask you throughout GRIT by tough? Did Did Are you volunteer your or about the based more answer to world
the are ideas new out always your to you Did Did – and driven got times – Drive the and – Did – to completed completed answer a or seek the
Reflections onboard Take these what thoughts, raits 6 T yourself Score Although noteworthy – Focus 1. Energy 2. performance Hunger 3. motivated, when Owner 4. choices Productivity 5. commitments? Courage 6. hand your AHAs ’ Having curious are you The QUESTION Having to need subconscious actively can into there out