Page 7 - Hikmaty TASKED Guide v0122
P. 7


                               your  are   build  your  and  world!  not  is  -  past  different  to  get  you

                               profile,  your  You  brand.  .  YOU  buy  you relationships  of  recipe  the  experiences  the  to)  give  it because  the  change  a  from  choices  your  to  magic  and  help  to  tool  a

           People buy   PEOPLE  resume,  your  job,  your  even  or accounts  people  -  special  tell,  you  from  create  knowhow,  skills,  (or  deliver  to  opportunity  huge  cannot  you  Whilst  story  your  OWN  forward  going  relationships  more!  and  go  to  want  simply  is framework  at:

                               not  your  media  are  you  stories  the  you  magic  attitude,  decide  YOU!  a provides  fixed.  rewrite  and  stories,  the  you  TASKED  looking  by  WHERE ARE YOU NOW?   WHERE DO YOU  WANT TO BE? WHAT STORY DO YOU WANT  TO TELL? WHO DO YOU NEED TO BE?
                               are   –     are  the  you  is   or  can  perspective  where  that

                               You  social  unique  You  and  talents,  what  This  This  static  you  create  you  This  do

            PEOPLE DO NOT

                   BUY GOODS.  THEY BUY   RELATIONSHIPS,   STORIES AND   MAGIC.  Seth Godin
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