Page 23 - Hikmaty CAREER build a better story
P. 23


                                                                                           was  mindset  book  her  in  programs  them  help  you worldview  it.

            do you exhibit?  GROWTH  my talents, aptitudes,  interests and temperament can change and grow  through application and experience.  I can learn anything I want to  I just learn from my failures  I want to challenge myself  I value constructive feedback I have a passion for learning to become more I am inspired by the success of others I always persevere even when I am frustrated My efforts and attitude determine eve

                                                                           Efforts make you talented
                              I am a work in progress –
                                      I am becoming smarter
                                                                                      and be a better person

            What kind of  MINDSET

                                                                                           the  The  most!  Dweck  Carol  companies  Many  to employees  mindset  this  for  your  lead  you
                                I am the                                                   feed  you  do  Professor Stanford  .  Success’  encouraging  looking  way  the

                          FIXED  my abilities, character,  intelligence and creativity are set in stone – way I am and I need to constantly prove myself.  If you succeed I feel threatened by you  I am comfortable staying the same and keeping   one  which  but  by developed  of Psychology  and  model  this  recruit  also  They  profoundly affects

                              I was born this way –  I am smart  I am either good at it or I am not  If I fail, I am no good and deficient   I do not like to be challenged  I feel like feedback is personal I have a hunger for approval as I am  I give up if I find something difficult My abilities determine everything  Effort is for losers  It is all about the outcome  within the safety of my abilities.  both  exhibit  You  and re
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