Page 43 - Hikmaty CAREER build a better story
P. 43


                 stories  -  them  spells.  the  -  lows.  to  questions  your  are  you  What  added  for  story

                 key  through  cold  events  and  themes  or  were  where  them?  be  to  your
                 themes,  the  key  the  highs  its  blocks  yourself  What  to  needs  of
           What is the plot so far?

                 the  journey  and  hot  naming  with  time  asking  well?  contribute  differentiates  what  elements
                 capture  the  and  the  and  timeline  i.e.  by  worked  what  least?  –  again  the

                 you  range  plus  -  marking  a  as  chunks  way  What  events  –  or  feedback.  it  at  capture

                 helps  ravines  story  stages/  that  these  terrain  most  look  best

                 it  mountain  the  out  it  your  in  experience  moments?  of  flat  value  for  to  you
                 because  a  as  and  draw  up  life  each  did  the  on  you  others  back  do THE CHRONOLOGICAL STORY OF YOUR LIFE and  CAREER is a SERIES OF EXPERIENCES.  EDUCATION  WORK  PROJECTs  LIFE WHAT STORY DO YOURS TELL?

                 useful  career  terrain  and  write  and  your  journey.  key  defining  How  and  what  to  and  coming  How

                 is  and  flat  paper  out  review  the  of  each  events/  do?  lows  and  loud  before  story?
                 story  life  your  the  with  of  sheet  Map  could  you  chapter  made  what  major  you  did  the  highs,  yourself  out yourself  days  this  from
           Your Story –  chronological  a  –  of  Think  hits!  –  troughs  the  and  large  a  Take  -  Map  terrain.  flat  and  this  with  help  each  from  story  on  reflect  Then  the  were  What  what  and challenges  the  in  is  what  at  about  this  from  to  story  the  few  a  it  leave  Then  learn  you  can  else

                 Your  timeline  greatest  and  peaks  the  a  Create  troughs  peaks,  -To  it  Chunk  the  identify  -  Probe  including:  biggest  Look  now?  learn  you  can  Tell  -  Listen  -  Ponder  What  in?  use?  future

                 1)       2)    3)    4)            5)  6)
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