Page 6 - Hikmaty Executive Insights Coaching .pptx
P. 6

Refresh or reignite your career fast working on the power skillset that matters most in businesses now - give your career
                                           the boost it needs so you focus on thriving not surviving!

                                           The Package is for ambitious career professionals who find their career stalling or want to refresh their options to create the
                                           work^life they really want to live. They know they have way more to give to maximize their potential - They want to
                                           challenge themselves to step up - by taking ownership of their future success, exploring their talents, levelling up their
                                           skillset, grabbing opportunities and getting noticed more.

                                           This personal coaching supports and enhances the Career Boost Program. The sessions align with the course modules and
                                           projects to help you integrate your learning and build momentum towards your goals. This in demand skillstack focuses on
                                           the skills and mindset to give you the edge, that helps you thrive and employers want you to have now. It includes: Setting
             Duration:                     Yourself up to Win, Adapt to Thrive, Differentiate YOU, Productive Deliverer and Promote Yourself.
            3 to 6 months
                                           Coaching to help you THRIVE today and transform for tomorrow - making learning, growth and transformation a priority
             Sessions:                     without overstretching yourself! Let the adventure begin …
         1 x 50 mins kick-off
          6 x 90 mins core
         1 x 50 mins debrief               The Career Boost Program Modules include:
        3 x 20 mins check-ins
                                           1. Setting Yourself Up To Win                               4. Productive Deliverer
                                           q Getting the most from the Program                         q Those Vital Few
        Workbook & Journal                 q Learning about learning                                   q Be a Contributor
                                           q Now IDEAS Feedback Project                                q Digital Fluency
                                           q Finding your Gamechangers                                 q Game shifters – distraction and procrastination
                                           2. Adapt to Thrive                                          5. Promote Yourself
                                           q Embracing Change                                          q Promote YOU
                                           q Enabling and empowering YOU                               q Communicating with and influencing others
                                           q Be a Change Agent                                         q Know who and Know How
                                           q Game shifters - Gremlins and Kryptonite                   q Brand Builder
                                                                                                       q Personal Visibility
                                           3. Differentiate YOU
                                           q Be a Player in the game                                   6. Finishing Strong and Starting Fresh
                                           q Be a Linchpin                                             q Strong and Fresh WOOP IT MAP!
                                           q Get good at Stacking                                      q Career Boost Sprint
                                           q Build Relationships                                       q IDEAS Review and debrief
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