Page 8 - Microsoft PowerPoint - Faris Executive Insights Session 4 Coaching Card 221222.pptx
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TEMPLATE 2                                  FARIS LIFE^WORK WHEEL PLANNER

                            FINANCES & WEALTH                      LEARNING &                    BEST VERSION FS                 HEALTH & WELLBEING

                             FUTURE FOUNDATIONS                  LIFELONG LEARNER              CONGRUENT CONTRIBUTOR              PERSONAL FOUNDATIONS

                                                             Vision 2030 Leader –
                              Strong financial                                                Intentional living as the            Energised through
            5 YEAR       foundations and habits                 Inspirer, Builder,               values driven Best              MEDS plus nurturing
             GOAL                                          Connector, Enabler and
                                 established                                                          Version FS                       strong roots
                                                                   Role Model

                         5 year Financial Plan to establish   Vision 2030 Leadership         Self awareness and alignment       MEDS – new habits and routines
                1        needs, priorities and life targets.  Program in 2023 as part of path   between who I am and how I      weaved into Masterpiece days
                                                           to CEO role.                      show up in the world.              and weekends

                         Plan and fund Jeddah and          Seek series of Mentors to gain    Integrate my spiritual being       Focus on increased energy –
                         Abroad Home Investments           better market and political       more effectively into my life      1) Schedule to include 7pm
                                                           insights and build influencing    1)   More regular visits to        home, bed at 11 and up at 5am
                2                                          skills:                                Makkah & Madinah              2) Monitor steps and sleep
                                                           1)  Board, CEO, Govt              2)   Time for Koran reading &      patterns
                                                           2)  Consultant Dinners                 translation within my         3) Daily swim
                                                                                                  weekly schedule
                         Resolve Legal case on Factory to   Build my network strategically   Clarification of Best Version FS   Structure and plan for LOOP
                         close this chapter as a priority   including a Mastermind Group     and introduce EWL Grid to live     schedule in work to minimise
                3        and manage financial hit over     in 2023.                          intentionally by daily using       impact on my wellbeing..
                         longer term.                                                        Heroic App.

                         Plan and fund to give Lulu more   Personal Coaching to deliver on   Role in Makkah Project for 2030
                4        flexibility in her work options   this plan and maintain the right   Program

                         1)  Detailed Financial Plan for   1)  Leader 2030 outcome and       1)   Progress Makkah Job           1)  Sleep 11 to 5
             FIRST       2)  2023                          2)  plan                          2)   option                        2)  Track daily steps
                                                                                                  Schedule Koran time
                                                                                                                                    Daily Swim
                                                               Improve influencing skills
                             Legal Case Resolved
             STEPS                                                                           3)   Set Up Heroic App
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