P. 13




                    life.  vision  or  3.  created.  a  in  do  is  are  into  your  taking  a  and  of  your  they  self  writing

                    your  the  future  Framework  section  cover  you  Journal  or  out  on  creating  successes  delivery  support  reflection,  So  your
                rchitect of your vision to Builder of your plan
                    of  of  your  Life  in  boards  we  where  The  planning  them  work  for  on  exercise  the  right  increase  for  design.  days  emerge.
                    ownership  architect  for  Your  process  battle  topic  a  activity  Journal.  this  transfer  your  designed  emphasis  gratitude,  intake,  support  the  significantly  reviews  the  enhances  each  from  that

                    and  be  to  vision  clear  Design  our  this  begin  and  is  them  foundation  your  done  and  focuses  are  pages  more  with  starting  water  to  habits  create  you  weekly  into  habit  lessons  results  and

                    responsibility  need  you  a  have  have  we  you  help  identified  deliver  to  vital  a  into  already  have  Boards  Battle  This  days.  daily  The  is  there  habit  to.  it  want  steps, kindness,  8  If  life.  your  can  steps  6  and  incorporated  journaling  the  taking  ideas

                    full  that  already  -  to  goals  plans  as  it  information  you From weekly action plans to a daily writing habit  Goal  100  your  matters.  However  writing  you  additional  in  consistent  weekly  the  are  daily  from  patterns,
                    take  premise  not  identified  tools  8  annual  see  the  whether  8  Setting yourself up to win with good habits  gratitude,  an  habits  goals.  is  that  the  the

                    to  the  do  on  these  those  the  We  your  cover  that  daily  wherever  track  small  your Reflection, self awareness and learning  writing  comes
                    you  on  you  focus  of  get  and  elsewhere.  input  you  for  from  that  done  progress.  provoking  going  track  can  important  on  strengths  Whilst  power  from

                    encourages  start  we  If  life.  ideal  to  want  few  a  share  to  Life  your  detail  then  and  work  to  Actions  the  MAPs  stuff  get  tracking  thought  and  we  Journal  You  daily.  the  or  daily  these  delivering  Journals  freeform  and  too.  habits  real  the  learning  and

                From A  Hikmaty  naturally  So  that  to  you  goals  we  and  enough  Just  Designing  more  lot  work  the  designed  beginning.  just  take  You  weeks  15  the  to  priorities  and  action  simple  kindness  and  our  In  meditation  goals  your  structure  of  chances  our  of  One  learning  become  awareness  time  over
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