Page 96 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 96


                        “You don’t have to be great

                        to start, but you have to

                        start to be great.”

                        - ZIG ZIGLAR


                        What type of Business Should I have?

                        Sole Proprietorship – Also known as the sole trader, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a
                        type of enterprise that is owned and operated by one person. A Sole Proprietorship also has NO LEGAL
                        DISTINCTION between the owner and the business entity.
                       LLC – Limited Liability Company – Combine elements of a partnership, sole proprietorship and a
                       corporation to ensure that the owner(s) of the company are not personally liable for their company’s
                       debts and liabilities. Generally taxed the same as a Sole Proprietorship.
                       LLP – Limited Liability Partnership – Similar to LLC however taxed as a partnership and must have a
                       managing partner.
                       S Corp – Owners pay personal income tax on profits. All business income/loss is passed through to
                       owners. No more than 100 shareholders. Shareholders must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens.
                       C Corp – Owners must pay personal income tax on profits. Business must pay corporate income tax.

                        PI BUSINESS & MARKETING BASICS
                        JOHN MORRIS – EVCO INVESTIGATIONS


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