Page 12 - PPIAC Newsletter August September 2021
P. 12

During his career, Mr. Pezolt has conducted investigations and
                                        consulting assignments for hundreds of clients including several US
                                        Fortune 100 companies, law enforcement agencies, and media
                                        sources. Mr. Pezolt has assisted with several complex legal and
                                        business investigations and has conducted training in computer
                                        research subjects for law enforcement agencies, private business and
                                        investigation agencies.

                                        Mr. Pezolt is one of the original founders of the PPIAC in Colorado.
                                        He is the co-author of the book “Basic Guidelines for Executive
                                        Protection” and has assisted as technical advisor on three Emmy-
                                        award winning documentaries concerning investigative subjects. “I
                                        Know You,” a documentary for ABC News examined the use and
                                        access of legal, public sources of information to learn supposedly
                                        “private” data about various individuals.

                                        Mr. Pezolt has been a teacher, author and featured subject of
                                        numerous television news stories and print media.

                                        Mr. Pezolt has been designated a Certified Protection Professional
                                        (CPP) by ASIS International. He graduated from Metro State College
                                        in Denver and is a graduate of the American Institute of Applied
                                        Science course forensic science “Civil and Criminal Identification and

                                        Ray will be presenting:
                                        WHO ARE THOSE GUYS? THE HISTORY OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS IN
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