Page 20 - PPIAC Newsletter Apr-May 2022
P. 20

This listserv is restricted to members of the Professional Private Investigators
                                            Association of Colorado (PPIAC). The purpose of the listserv is to provide a way
     PPIAC                                  for the association to communicate matters related to the association among its
     Listserv Rules                         members. Member use of the listserv is to communicate with other members
                                            and the board, exchange business referrals, post work assistance requests, relay
                                            information specifically related to casework and/or assignments and convey PI-
                                            related news and information.

                                            · Include a signature line on all messages. Include your name, company, location,
                                            and contact information. If posting from your phone or other devices, you may
                                            need to add this information manually.

                                            · Be concise and clear in the subject line. This makes it easier to search the
                                            archives by subject and allows for members to respond more appropriately to
                                            your post.

                                            · Posts to the listserv should never be copied to other email addresses or
                                            forwarded to people outside our association.

                                            · Client names and personal information should never appear in listserv

                                            · New PPIAC members are invited to send out an initial message of introduction
                                            telling other members about themselves, their areas of expertise, and the
                                            geographical region in which they work.

                                            · PPIAC's listserv is not a chat room. It is not intended to be used to express
                                            personal opinions that are not PI-related or address private disputes with the
                                            association, individuals, or businesses.

                                            · PPIAC's listserv is not to be used for advertising services offered by members or
                                            non-members. You may contact people directly with product and service
                                            information if you believe it would be helpful to them.

                                            · If you respond to a post, only "reply all" if it contains information that benefits
                                            everyone. You can respond directly to the person who posted by using the
                                            forwarding option on your email application.

                                            · Please don't distribute any spam, solicitations, jokes, comics, chain letters, or
                                            the like to the listserv.

                                            · Please keep comments civil—no flaming, attacking, or making derogatory
                                            comments to or about other members.

                                            Messages not in line with the above rules will not be approved for posting.

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