Page 59 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
P. 59
As members of the investigative community, we know how true the proverb is that
reads “the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.” Cases are not
wrapped up overnight. Manually monitoring an active social media platform is not only
cumbersome, but makes you vulnerable to missing out on vital information. Skopenow
offers automated social media monitoring, flicked on with the press of a button. Need a
second pair of eyes to look over your findings? They offer this as well. Beyond the
evolving machine learning capabilities, advanced algorithms, and other super tech savvy
lingo, it’s the easy-to-use interface that makes diving into the software as simple as
going for an afternoon stroll in the park. You don’t need a six-month training course
and an encyclopedia book collection to get the most out of Skopenow.
As far as OSINT tools go, Skopenow is the most powerful and effective software
solution on the market, and it’s only getting better with every iteration. If results are
still king and reputation is everything, it’s only logical to be equipped with what will
become the most indispensable tool in your investigative arsenal.