Page 21 - Oppam Charity Newsletter
P. 21


               Government decided to close all schools and colleges.  We once again became sad and
               dropped our second tour also.

               We Head to Ancestral Home

                       Next morning we woke up early and went straight to our native village, otherwise our
               summer paradise.  We always spend our summer vacation with our cousins and
               grandparents.  This vacation would last three months, an extra month gifted by corona virus.
               When we reached, there we ran to our cousins.  After some time, our parents went back to
               Thiruvananthapuram for work.  As they are college teachers, they had to go to college even
               though there were no classes.

               Nice Times Begin

                 We played many games.  In the evenings we played cricket.  Some days passed.  My
               cousins went to their mother’s house to spend some time with the grandparents there.
               When the Kerala government announced complete lock down, our parents also came.  We
               ate many delicious foods that our grandmother prepared.  To overcome the boredom
               created by the lockdown, we started making a hanging garden.

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