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Resources for Digital Kids Expert Module 5 Task 1
Lesson Plan
MODULE 5 Programming the computer
DKEXPERT TASK 1 Introduction to programming
OVERVIEW algorithm.
The general purpose of this lesson is for students • Ask them if the order of the steps of a solution
to understand the concept of algorithms, programs are changed, will the solution still work?
and flowcharts. Draw a flowchart representing an algorithm to
introduce the steps applied in execution of an
OBJECTIVES algorithm.
• To understand what a program is. Separate students into groups of 2-3. Give out
• To understand what happens when a program “K.6.5.1_Worksheet_1.docx” and ask students to
runs. read the introduction and encourage them to
• To describe how programmers write programs. answer the questions.
• To understand what an algorithm is. 2. Investigation – Development of Knowledge
Then, ask students to do the activities on the
SKILLS worksheet. During the activities they will realize
• To create an algorithm in order to solve a that:
problem. • A program is a list of instructions.
• To convert an algorithm into a flowchart. • There are people that create programs in order
• To draw a flowchart. to solve problems.
• To name the boxes that a flowchart consists of. • An algorithm is a step-by-step list of instructions
• To describe the function of each box in a in a specific order.
flowchart. • A flowchart is a representation of an algorithm.
• There are specific types of boxes in a flowchart.
WHAT IS NEEDED 3. Implementation
Prerequisites Hand out “K.6.5.1_Worksheet_2.docx.” In this activity
(None) students have to create a flowchart. They have to
Resources put the steps in the correct order.
• Digital Kids Expert Student’s Book Then, hand out “K.6.5.1_Worksheet_3.docx.”
• K.6.5.1_Worksheet_1.docx Students have to draw the correct shape and arrows
• K.6.5.1_Worksheet_2.docx in order to complete the flowchart.
Activity Worksheets • K.6.5.1_Worksheet_3.docx During the completion of the flowchart, students
• K.6.5.1_Evaluation_Sheet.docx should note the importance of:
• The correct input of data
LEARNING DIFFICULTIES • The validity of data
• Students have difficulty understanding that 0s • The output of data
and 1s can control a computer. Let students discuss how to draw their flowcharts
• Students have difficulty understanding that in amongst themselves and if necessary consult the
programming there are rules that always have to Student’s Book.
be followed.
Worksheet • Students have difficulty analyzing a problem 4. Completion – Evaluation
After completing the activities, collect all the
Student(s) Date correctly in order to present its solution, broken worksheets and file them in the class folder.
down into smaller subunits. • Hand out the evaluation sheet to every student
• Students have difficulty understanding the input and ask them to complete it.
The concept of the program and output of data in a flowchart. • Collect the sheets and see if the students
understood all the objectives of the lesson.
LESSON DESCRIPTION • Check which part of the lesson students didn’t
1. Start – Brainstorming completely understand and make any changes
Introduce the purpose of the lesson which is required in the teaching process.
As you know, computers consist of hardware and software. Hardware is all for students to understand the meaning of
the devices that are necessary for a computer to work. On the other hand, programming. Then they have to introduce the NOTES
software is all the programs that hardware needs in order to work correctly! meaning of algorithms. More specifically:
But what is a program? • Ask students to describe the solution to a
problem, such as the recipe of a cake, using
Do you know of any programs? simple and clear steps.
What happens when a program runs? • Write down the steps on the whiteboard and ask
them to put the steps in a logical order.
• Liken this process to the meaning of the
DIGITAL KIDS EXPERT / MODULE 5 / TASK 1 - 35 - Copyright © 2013-2017 Binary Logic SA
Indicate whether the following sentences are true or false?
True False
1. A computer program is a list of instructions.
2. Computers understand the English language.
3. Programs are written by programmers in 0s, 1s and 2s. Self Evaluation Sheet
4. There are special programming languages such as Small Basic.
5. Computers cannot make decisions by themselves.
There are many problems in our everyday life that we try to solve. Sometimes their solutions are
easy and obvious and other times they are difficult. A good way to solve a problem is to use an
An algorithm is a sequence of defined actions. We use a flowchart in order to represent an
algorithm. This is a flowchart: Level 6 Module 5 Task 1 Class
Self Evaluation
START Student Date
PRINT a + b
I can create an algorithm in order □ □
© Binary Logic SA 2013-2017. PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 1 of 2
to solve a problem.
I can convert an algorithm into a
Level 6 Module 5 Task 1 Class Level 6 Module 5 Task 1 Class □ □
Worksheet Worksheet
Student(s) Date Student(s) Date flowchart.
Match each action with the proper box: The concept of the program
Mark the beginning of the process
Give commands Create an algorithm! I can draw a flowchart. □ □
Show data When you get up every morning, you follow a set of actions to go to school. Below is a list of instructions I can name the boxes that a □ □
Computing and ICT . Sampler 1. An algorithm is a step-by-step list of instructions. True False 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Step by step algorithm ……… End ……………………… I can describe the function of □ □
Mark the end of the process
Make a decision
that you have to use in order to fill in the blanks in a step by step algorithm and in a flowchart:
Get data
flowchart consists of.
Do calculations
Eat breakfast
Go to school
Indicate whether the following sentences are true or false?
If it is raining take an
Brush your teeth
Put on your clothes
2. A computer can decide which instructions of an algorithm
Get up from bed
need to be followed in order to solve a problem.
each box in a flowchart.
Get your backpack
3. An algorithm’s instructions must be simple.
4. There are algorithms in the world of computers, but not in
the real world.
5. A recipe is like an algorithm.
6. An algorithm describes steps.
7. If a programmer gives the wrong instructions to a computer,
the computer can correct them.
8. A flowchart represents an algorithm.
9. A flowchart is the only way to solve a problem.
10. A flowchart shows the steps of a solution to a problem, as
well as their order.
11. You should first write a program and then the
corresponding flowchart.
12. The arrows in a flowchart show us the order of the steps.
13. The arrows in a flowchart are optional.
14. To draw a flowchart you use 5 different types of boxes.
Penta Books
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