Page 11 - Penta Book's Publisher Catalogue 1
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mmpublicαtions binαrylogic
MM Publications is an international Binary Logic has been at the forefront
publishing house that specialises in of technology since 1982, building
ELT books and materials, as well as a global reputation through quality
services to support teachers and educational resources and support
educational institutions worldwide. services. The founders of Binary
It was established in 1993 but has Logic are educators who invested
grown substantially since then. Today, in technology early on, as they
materials by MM Publications are recognised the need to enrich the
used in state and private schools at learning experience with new ways
all levels of education. In fact, various and methods of instruction. Hence,
customised editions have been they developed a Computing &
developed to suit the diverse needs of ICT curriculum for K-12 and tertiary
unique markets. education, changing the way the
MM Publications collaborates with subject has been taught and learnt
highly regarded ELT consultants and over the last 20 years.
teacher trainers around the world, who Today, Binary Logic collaborates with
provide continuous customer support schools, universities and ministries
and training services. With offices, around the world, in order to provide
agents and distributors in more complete assessment solutions. With
than 110 countries, MM Publications a presence in more than 40 countries,
is a world leader in ELT books and it has become a global leader in the
e-learning materials. field of ICT solutions for schools.
vectormαths&science mmschools
Vector Maths & Science was founded MM Schools is the birthplace of MM
in 2017. Its mission is to nurture Educational Group. Since 1974, this
learners’ inquisitive spirits with state-of-the-art educational institution
innovative, creative and practical has offered substantial insights on ELT
materials that encourage them to methodologies. To this day, it continues
dive deep into mathematical and to be a source of inspiration and
scientific ideas in order to develop the provides unique opportunity to pilot
necessary skills for success! educational products with students
whose first language is not English.
The marketing department’s operation focusondigitαlservices
in Greece created a need for local Focus on Digital Services was founded in
market support. Thus, Combo Books 2013 with the purpose of designing
was founded, in 2013, for the sale, and developing books and e-learning
promotion, handling and support materials for students and teachers
of products by MM Educational worldwide. The creative, top notch
Group in Greece, Cyprus and the members of this team deliver both
Balkans. Today, Combo Books also superior quality and contemporary
organises and administers language design.
examinations in collaboration with
Palso, Europalso, and the Greek αrguslogistics
Ministry of Education. In an attempt to achieve optimal
efficiency in the delivery of its
educational offerings, MM Educational
Group introduced Argus Logistics in
2017. The company specialises in the
spreading knowledge distribution of educational materials
around the world, and it directly
connects the company with its global
network of partners and customers.
Penta Books
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