Page 25 - Penta Book's Publisher Catalogue 1
P. 25
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 F ood and drink
Food and drink
list of objectives,
vocabulary Lesson plan
Lesson plan
and structures Language focus Warm-up
introduced in • to identify and talk about food • Hold up each flashcard, say the word and ask Ss to repeat. Top Stars
• Then, ask Ss to form pairs. Blindfold one S from each pair and give him/her
some of the food items (packet of rice, onions, eggs).
each lesson • to express likes and dislikes • Explain to Ss that they have to feel the food and try to guess what it is. If the
Food: sandwich, chicken, rice, fries, S makes a correct guess, he/she swaps roles with his/her partner. Make sure
eggs, onions that you use all the food items mentioned in the materials section.
Structures 1 Vocabulary CD2 Track 2 clearly staged
I like (chicken). • Have Ss open their books to p.45.
I don't like (onions). • Point out the food items in the vocabulary section. Play the CD a few times step-by-step
sandwich - sandwiches and have Ss point to the corresponding pictures and repeat.
• Say the words again in random order and have Ss point and repeat. Say the words again in random order and have Ss point and repeat. guidelines for
Activity 2 Track 3
Activity 2
Materials • Direct Ss’ attention to the background picture and ask them what it depicts. each activity
(A girl wearing a chef’s hat and different types of food laid out before her on
a table.)
• flashcards for sandwich, chicken, • Read the title of the song and ask Ss to guess what the song is going to be
rice, fries, eggs, onions
materials needed • photocopies of the above • Draw Ss’ attention to the different types of food on the table. Point to each
flashcards (one per S)
picture and ask them to name the food in chorus (chicken, sandwiches, rice,
fries, eggs, onions).
for each lesson • a smiley face made of yellow • Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a song.
construction paper and a sad
face made of blue construction • Point out that they have to listen to the CD, follow along in their books and
point to each item of food as they hear it.
• a packet of rice, some onions • Play the song and encourage Ss to sing along.
and eggs
• blindfolds (enough for each pair • Play the song again and tell Ss to match the lines of the song with the
pictures A-F.
of Ss) • Make sure Ss have matched the lines of the song to the correct item of food.
A. chicken - 1st verse, 1st line D. fries - 2nd verse, 2nd line
B. sandwiches - 2nd verse, 1st line E. eggs - 3rd verse, 1st line
C. rice - 1st verse, 2nd line F. onions - 3rd verse, 1st line
• Make two columns on the board. Draw a happy face above the first
column and a sad face above the second column.
• Stick the food flashcards under the corresponding column, according to
your likes and dislikes.
• As you place each flashcard, say I like/I don't like (fries). Do this a second
time, having Ss repeat the sentences after you.
• Direct Ss’ attention to the Look! box on p.45. Read the sentences and
have Ss repeat after you. Elicit that we use the verb I like / I don't like to
express likes and dislikes. Point out that don't is the short form of do not.
• Hand out a photocopy of the food flashcards to each S.
• Ask a S to hold up his/her food flashcard and make a sentence according
to his/her preferences, saying I (don't) like (rice).
Top Stars 2, Teacher’s Book key to Workbook activities
5 5 OUR WORLD 5 5 OUR WORLD Our world 5 5 5
I like fish. It’s good for you.
1 I don’t like fries. They’re bad for you.
breakfast lunch soup fish cereal milk
Language focus 2 L Listen and read. d . 3 Read activity 2 again and 4 Listen and check (4) what the name of the food/drink.
in the corresponding half and write the
people like for breakfast or
match what they like for
d r
n a
Breakfast anyone?
Breakfast anyone?
Breakfast anyone?
Objectives Breakfast anyone? breakfast. lunch. • Ss can also draw the food/drinks.
• to identify food • When all groups have finished, they take
turns presenting their poster to the rest of
• to talk about what someone has for A 1 the class.
breakfast/lunch • Display Ss’ posters around the classroom.
• to tell between healthy and unhealthy 1 EXPANSION
Vocabulary My name B 2 • Start writing a word from this or the
My name
previous lessons of the module on the
is Hibiki.
Meals: breakfast, lunch is Hibiki. board, one letter at a time. Ss have to call
I’m from Japan.
Food: soup, fish, cereal I’m from Japan. out the word when they find it.
Drinks: milk I like fish or soup 2
I like fish or soup
I like fish or soup
Structures for breakfast. C 3
I like (fish). It's good for you. Before leaving
I don't like (fries). They're bad for you.
• Ask Ss to tell the class what they like for
Materials 5 Put a 4 if the food/drink item is good for you or an 8 if the breakfast/lunch before they leave, e.g. I
like salad for lunch.
food/drink item is bad for you. Then discuss with your partner.
• flashcards for breakfast, lunch, soup, fish,
cereal, milk, spaghetti, salad, orange juice, Workbook
Hi! I’m Ron.
chocolate Hi! I’m Ron. 1 4
I’m from Australia.
I’m from Australia.
• magazine pages with photos of food/drinks I’m from Australia. 2 3 4 Activity 1
I like cereal with milk
I like cereal with milk
• big pieces of white cardboard (one for I like cereal with milk Orange juice.
every 3-4 Ss) for breakfast. 1. fish 2. soup 3. cereal 4. milk
for breakfast.
• scissors (enough for each group of Ss) I don’t like chocolate cereal. It’s good
I don’t like chocolate cereal.
I don’t like chocolate cereal.
I don’t like chocolate cereal.
I don’t like chocolate cereal.
for you.
• glue sticks (enough for each group of Ss) It’s bad for you!
Activity 2
5 7 8 Yes, it is.
Review 6 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. lunch
• Stick the flashcards for spaghetti, salad, 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
orange juice and chocolate on the board.
• Point to a flashcard, e.g. chocolate. • Draw Ss’ attention to the two and check off the correct answer. Activity 3 Track 11
Choose a S and ask him/her, Do you like Listening transcript Activity 5 Listening transcript
chocolate? Elicit the S's answer. photos and ask them to name as 1. Man 1: I don’t like sandwiches or • Instruct Ss to put a 4 or an 8 in
• Repeat the same procedure with the rest many food items as they know or • Direct Ss’ attention to the eggs for breakfast. I like the boxes next to each picture, 1. Boy 1: Do you like eggs for breakfast?
remember from the vocabulary
Boy 2: No, I don’t. I like cereal with milk.
of the flashcards by asking different Ss. presentation. Look! box at the top of p.49. cereal with milk for depending on whether the food/ 2. Girl 1: Do you like chicken?
Read the sentences aloud and
• Ask Ss if they recognize the flags. breakfast. drink is good or bad (healthy or Girl 2: No, I don’t. I like fish.
have Ss repeat.
Lesson plan Then ask, Where is the first girl • Explain to Ss that we use It's 2. Woman 1: I like fish for lunch. unhealthy) for them. 3. Boy 1: Do you like chocolate?
from? (She’s from Japan.) Where is good for you to refer to healthy I don’t like soup or • Encourage Ss to discuss their Boy 2: No, I don’t. It’s bad for you. I like
orange juice.
chicken for lunch.
(He’s from Australia.)
the boy from?
the boy from?
Warm-up the boy from? (He’s from Australia.) food whereas we use It's bad for 3. Man 2: I don’t like spaghetti or answers in pairs, e.g. SA says, 4. Girl 1: Do you like rice?
• Ask Ss to point to the appropriate you to refer to unhealthy food. (Orange juice). It's good for you,
• Hold up each flashcard, say the word and photo as you play the CD. fries for lunch. I like soup and SB says Yes, it is/No, it isn’t, or Girl 2: Yes, I do. It’s good for you.
for lunch.
get Ss to repeat. • Play the CD again and encourage Activity 3 SA says (Fries). They're bad for you, 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B
1 Vocabulary Track 8 Ss to shadow read (read along • Explain to Ss that they have to 1. cereal with milk 4 and SB says Yes, they are/No, they
aren’t. Explain to them why some
with the CD).
• Have Ss open their books to p.48. • Play the CD again and pause after refer to activity 2 and match each 2. fish 4 types of food are good for their
• Point out the words in the vocabulary section. each sentence for Ss to repeat. person with what he/she likes for 3. soup 4 health and why others are not. Activity 4
Play the CD a few times and have Ss point to • Ask Ss some questions (using L1
the corresponding pictures and repeat. introduced to in previous lessons) good for you: orange juice, salad, fish Pre-Primary & Primary
• Say the words again in random order and when necessary) about the text. 1. A, C 2. B Optional and ask them to cut them out. bad for you: chocolate, fries
Ss can use L1, when necessary, for
have Ss point and repeat. their answers. What’s the Japanese • Give each group a big piece of
have Ss point and repeat.
Activity 2 Track 9 girl’s name? (It’s Hibiki.) What’s the Activity 4 Track 10 PRACTICE cardboard.
Activity 2
• Direct Ss’ attention to the photos and ask boy’s name? (It’s Ron.) Does Ron • Tell Ss that they are going to Make a food poster • Instruct Ss to divide the cardboard Note
them to tell you what they see. (There like cereal for breakfast? (Yes, he listen to the CD and that, for each • Divide Ss into small groups (3-4 Ss). into two equal parts and write
are photos of two children, each of whom does.) Is chocolate cereal good for Good For You as a title on the first
comes from a different country. Next to their you? (No, it isn’t. It’s bad for you.) exchange, they have to decide • Give Ss magazine pages with half and Bad For You as a title on For the next lesson, bring:
which of the three food items
photos of different food/drinks
photos, there are pictures of food that they • Choose a few Ss to read the texts people like for breakfast or lunch (of the ones they have been the other half. • a basket with fruit and vegetables (bananas,
like to have for breakfast.) aloud. • Then have Ss glue the food/drinks lemons, oranges, carrots and tomatoes)
76 77
optional activities making the lesson audioscripts and
more enjoyable and giving further practice key to activities
Penta Books
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