Page 63 - Penta Book's Publisher Catalogue 1
P. 63

SAMPLE PAGES                                                                 COMPONENTS

                                                                         2.3   Keep our city clean    Student’s
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r
                                                              Gr  m r                                 Book
                                                              A. Read the table, the rule and the example.
                    Keep our city clean
             2 2 2 2. .3 3  Keep our city clean                 Comparative forms (irregular)  as + adjective + as  including
                                                                 bad  better  Maria is/isn’t as       Workbook
                                                                 far  farther/further  beautiful as her sister.       English Trails
                 V c   l ry  Rea                                My house is farther than my brother’s.
                 V c   l ry
              Complete the sentences with the   A. What do you think people   B.  Complete the sentences with the correct form
              words in the box. Then, listen and   do on Earth Day? Listen,                        Teacher’s Book
              check your answers.  read and find out.           of the adjectives in parentheses.
               car     trees     lights     save                1.  Cities today have                                         (many) problems
                                                                than they had 50 years ago.
                street     bottles     don’t  EARTH             2. Public transportation is                                          (bad) than it
               7  good ideas                                    3.  Bella is                                          (good) than Bob at Math,
                                                                 was 10 years ago.
               TO HELP PROTECT                                   but she isn’t as                                         (good) as Garry.
               THE ENVIRONMENT!
               THE ENVIRONMENT!  DAY                            4. Our city isn’t as                                         (green) as other   Class CDs
                                                                 cities in the U.S.A.
               1    Plant                             .         5.  My house is                                          (far) from downtown
                                                                 than Tina’s house.
                            What is Earth Day?                 L L   s s s  s    s    s    s    s  s
               2             Every year on April 22 nd  in the city of Toronto   Listen to a radio show and look at the pictures below.   Interactive
                                             cut   and all over Canada, people celebrate Earth   Check (3) the topics that are mentioned in the radio
                down trees.    Day. Different activities take place on that day   show.            Whiteboard
                             and during the week that follows. It’s a time to
                3    Don’t throw   celebrate the environment, learn about the city’s               Material
                     litter in the   problems and do something to help. More than
                             more and more people are joining us every year.
                                                  .  six million Canadians take part in Earth Day and
                             What about you?
                             What about you?
                             What about you?                       1     2     3                    Teacher’s
                             What about you?
                4                       do?
                Recycle magazines,  What can you do?                                               Resource
                             Organize a clean-up day. Get together with
                             Organize a clean-up day. Get together with
                             Organize a clean-up day. Get together with
                             Organize a clean-up day. Get together with
                             Organize a clean-up day. Get together with
                             Organize a clean-up day.
                                             and cans.  Organize a clean-up day. Get together with   CD/CD-ROM *
                     and cans.
                             friends or other people and clean up an area in
                             friends or other people and clean up an area in
                             friends or other people and clean up an area in
                             friends or other people and clean up an area in
                             friends or other people and clean up an area in
                             the city. Collect litter from the streets, parks, etc.
                             the city. Collect litter from the streets, parks, etc.
                             the city. Collect litter from the streets, parks, etc.
                             the city. Collect litter from the streets, parks, etc.
                             Don’t forget to put bottles, paper and cans into
                      Save energy!   the city. Collect litter from the streets, parks, etc.   5  6
                             Don’t forget to put bottles, paper and cans into
                             Don’t forget to put bottles, paper and cans into
                             Don’t forget to put bottles, paper and cans into
                5     Turn off the  Don’t forget to put bottles, paper and cans into   4
                             recycling bins.
                             recycling bins.
                             recycling bins.
                             recycling bins.
                             recycling bins.
                                                                W  t
                                                                W  t
                                                                W  t
                                                                W  t
                                                                W  t
                                                  .  recycling bins.  We’re planning to plant more than   W  t
                             Plant trees. We’re planning to plant more than
                             Plant trees. We’re planning to plant more than
                             1,000 trees in Downsview Park. Come and help
                             1,000 trees in Downsview Park. Come and help
                             1,000 trees in Downsview Park. Come and help
                             1,000 trees in Downsview Park. Come and help
                                                                Write sentences about how
                             make the park greener than last year. Everyone is
                             make the park greener than last year. Everyone is
                             make the park greener than last year. Everyone is
                             make the park greener than last year. Everyone is
                                                                different your city was five
                                                                different your city was five
                                                                          was greener than it is
                6            make the park greener than last year. Everyone is   Write sentences about how   Five years ago my city
                                                                years ago. Use the ideas
                             Go on nature walks. Enjoy a walk with your
                                     Enjoy a walk with your
                                             water!   Go on nature walks. Enjoy a walk with your   years ago. Use the ideas   today.
                              family and learn all about nature.
                              family and learn all about nature.
                Turn off the faucet.  family and learn all about nature.  given.   OR              Readers p. 120
                                    Build a birdhouse, for
                              Make something. Build a birdhouse, for
                     Use public   Make something. Build a birdhouse, for   many / parks  Five years ago my city
                              example. It isn’t as difficult as you may think.
                                                                           wasn't as green as it is
                              example. It isn’t as difficult as you may think.
                              example. It isn’t as difficult as you may think.
                7    transportation, not   example. It isn’t as difficult as you may think.  streets / clean  today.
                     your                             .          many / recycling bins  27
                     Air pollution and
                     traffic jams are big
                     city problems.
               26                                                                                  MM Series
                                                          English Trails 3A, Student’s             Student’s
                                                               Book & Workbook                     Resources
               COURSE FEATURES                                                                     MM Series
                 • Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and                       Resources
                  cross-curricular information
                 • Lively dialogues presenting functional language in real-life                    ELT Platform
                 • An integrated approach to the development of the four skills
                                                                                            *  Teacher’s Resource
                 • Systematic development of reading and listening skills and                 CD/CD-ROM:
                  subskills                                                                 • Tests
                                                                                            • Extra material
                 • Special emphasis on vocabulary building
                 • Grammar presented and practised in context
                 • Step-by-step approach to writing
                 • Activities designed to develop generic competencies
                 • Activities encouraging critical thinking and personal response
                 • Practical tips helping students to become autonomous learners
                 • A project in each unit revising and consolidating the language presented in the unit
                 • A round-up section in each unit providing regular revision and consolidation
                 • A final project which functions as performance evidence
                 • A grammar reference section                                                                        Secondary & Adult
                 • An extra activities section including listening, speaking and writing activities for further
                  practice for each unit
                 • A culture page in each unit
                 • A digital vocabulary list
                 • Emphasis on the development of 21st century competencies
                                                Penta Books
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