Page 3 - Arts at Ives Program Book 2018
P. 3

Welcome to the Third Annual                samples of reds and whites. Great food            IVES AUTHORITY                                     WELCOME TO IVES CONCERT PARK
                                              and awesome live jazz will round out each     BOARD OF DIRECTORS
ART AT IVES!                                  day of the show.
                                                                                               Frank Herbert | Chairman
This very special, two-day event will         The arts and cultural experiences             Brett DeWeese | Vice Chairman
feature more than 70 artists from across      contribute to building a vibrant              Dennis MacDonald | Treasurer
the nation.                                   community and are an essential
                                              component of our quality of life in Greater         Sherri Hill | Secretary
Guests will enjoy a wide variety of high-     Danbury. Ives Concert Park is the ideal
quality, original works in a diverse scope    location to host this event with flourishing   Missy Alexander     Gina Marcus
of art forms representing every major         acres of natural beauty and the perfect          Hayden Bates      Corey Paris
category. Elements of the show highlight      palette to showcase extraordinary art.                             John Voket
endless, creative expression, such as                                                       Michael Cancellieri
demonstrations of the ancient art of          Proceeds from the Art Show will assist
origami, mask making and a children’s         our non-profit organization and enhance           Mayor Mark Boughton (Ex Officio)
dragon puppeteer. Encounter an                future programs at Ives Concert Park.         Leslie Brent, Chair | Friends of the Ives, Inc.
immersive exhibit of beautiful, colorful,
live butterflies!                             Many thanks to our partners, the City of      Special Thanks to Michael Cancellieri
                                              Danbury and Western Connecticut State          for his creative eye & steady hand.
A wine tasting will be presented by           University. If this is the first season you
Max Wine & Spirits featuring delicious        have discovered and explored the Ives, we           IVES ADMINISTRATION
                                              hope you have enjoyed your experience.
                                                                                                   Phyllis Cortese | Executive Director
                                              The long-term goal of the Art at Ives             Alexis Koukos | Office & Event Manager
                                              Juried Fine Art & Crafts Show is to                Michael Rinaldi | Director of Security
                                              expand awareness of the arts and enrich       Josh Paquette | Technical & Facilities Manager
                                              the artistic, cultural, educational, and      Sarah Allen | Deb Faust | Concession Managers
                                              economic vitality of the region for years     Ken Lynch | Ambassador Coordinator Emeritus
                                              to come. We hope you’ll visit us again and
                                              make lasting memories at the Ives!                         Linda Bourie | Paul Cook
                                                                                                        Ambassador Coordinators

                                                                                             Gina Atanasoff | Olivia Morgan | Erin Hurley
                                                                                                           Marketing Associates

  Frank Herbert           Phyllis Cortese     43 Lake Avenue Extension, Danbury, CT | PHONE: 203.837.9227 | IVESCONCERTPARK.COM                 3
Chairman, Ives Authority  Executive Director   FAX: 203.837.9230 | P.O. Box 2957 Danbury, CT 06813-2957 | E-MAIL:
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