Page 9 - Program - AUC Celebration of Academic Excellence July 2023
P. 9

Honors and Awards

                                               HONOR & SERVICE SOCIETY
                       Members to this Society are inducted at the beginning of their fifth semester and
                           must have a cumulative GPA of 85.00% or higher, have demonstrated service
                                to the school and community and exhibited qualities of leadership,
                                      excellence and dedication during their training.

                                                        DEAN’S LIST
                            The Dean’s List comprises students who have achieved outstanding
                     academic success for a given semester. To qualify, students must carry at least 15
                           credits a semester, achieving a cumulative average of at least 87.00%.

                                       TAREK ABI-SAAB PEER TUTOR AWARD
                            This is awarded by student vote to the strongest peer-to-peer tutor.

                     This award recognizes outstanding leadership skills, passion and dedication in ser-
                                   vice for peer TAs and students in Ultrasound Program.
                    Awardees have demonstrated exceptional teaching and organization skills and pro-
                                vided guide and encouragement for Ultrasound Team TAs.

                     This award recognizes outstanding leadership skills, passion and dedication in ser-
                                     vice for peer TAs and students in Harvey Program.
                    Awardees have demonstrated exceptional teaching and organization skills and pro-
                                  vided guide and encouragement for Harvey Team TAs.

                                             CLINICAL MEDICINE AWARD
                    This award recognizes- the outstanding student who presented high academic per-
                      formance, professionalism and integrity, leadership, passion, and dedication for
                     clinical medicine but also inspired and encouraged others to strive for excellency.

                                          STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AWARD
                    This award recognizes students whose leadership on-campus has enhanced and fos-
                   tered a culture of care and collaboration within the AUC community. Awardees have
                       used leadership skills to increase student participation and engagement in on-
                    campus activities. The awardee's leadership activities have also incorporated princi-
                                  ples of diversity and inclusion into the student activities.

                                         SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY AWARD
                   This award recognizes students who have made contributions to the communities of
                    Sint Maarten during their medical sciences education. Awardees have used leader-
                     ship skills to increase student participation in community engagement initiatives.
                    The awardee's leadership in developing community engagement initiatives has also
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