Page 12 - 2023 AUC Commencement Program
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Dr. Megan Kudlak* Dr. Jasmin Millon* Dr. Breche Otiankouya* Dr. Teena Saikia* Dr. Chandler Stencel* Dr. Alec Wallace*
Dr. Andrew Kung* Dr. Priya Mohan* Dr. Ashirbad Panta* Dr. Hamda Sajjad* Dr. Brian Stephenson Dr. Julia Wang
Dr. Joshua Lambert Dr. Malina Mohtadi* Dr. Krishna Patel* Dr. Dulani Samarappuli Dr. Kelvin Stimpert Dr. Youlu Wang*
Dr. Moise Lamour Dr. Gabriela Morales Dr. Anjali Patel* Dr. Dechen Samdrup* Dr. Shawanda Suber Dr. William Wanzor
Dr. Tam Le* Dr. Andrew Moran* Dr. Akhil Patel Dr. Tomas Sanchez Rodriguez Dr. Jeffery Summers* Dr. Hannah Warshaw
Dr. Hannah Leach* Dr. Jefry Motato Dr. Enrico Pelicci* Dr. Esha Sanyal* Dr. Kayla Sweeten Dr. Brandon Watkins
Dr. Nathan Lease* Dr. Bradley Mueller Dr. Lauren Polan-Couillard Dr. Aninder Sarai Dr. Amel Tabet Aoul* Dr. Laura Weiss
Dr. Stella Lee* Dr. Laaraeb Nadeem* Dr. Sarah Ponzer* Dr. Mackenzie Savel* Dr. Erik Tatos* Dr. Leah Whitis
Dr. Sungyoung Lee* Dr. Sachin Nair Dr. Hannah Pulido* Dr. Daniel Schneider* Dr. Cristina Tavera Montanez* Dr. Austin Wills
Dr. Brian Lin Dr. Jacob Nathanson Dr. Troy Quail* Dr. Zachary Schneider Dr. Sucharat Tayarachakul* Dr. Abigail Wuensch
Dr. Emma Lindemann* Dr. Artabaz Nazari* Dr. Shahar Qureshi Dr. Mohit Sekhon* Dr. Brittany Thompson Dr. Jeffrey Ziolkowski*
Dr. LeaAnn Love* Dr. Narois Nehru Dr. Priya Raju Dr. Aiman Shaaban Dr. Nicholas Todaro
Dr. Yangjun Lu* Dr. Briana Neidig Dr. Garrett Reber* Dr. Eshita Sharmin* Dr. Nahal Torabi*
Dr. Samuel Malek* Dr. Devendra Neopaney* Dr. Nikeeta Reddy Dr. Abraham Shayo* Dr. Stanley Toyberman*
Dr. Armen Mardikian Dr. Emory Newkirk* Dr. Rene Resendez Rodriguez* Dr. Ezekiel Shepard* Dr. Andrew Treihaft*
Dr. Carolina Marques Dr. Ngoc Nguyen* Dr. Brian Rieb* Dr. Madison Shindorf Dr. Joshua Tsai
Dr. Melissa Marseille* Dr. Lan Nguyen* Dr. Amanda Rivera* Dr. Adeel Shoaib* Dr. Richard Urbano
Dr. Vahe Martikian* Dr. Patricia Esther Nsamba Dr. Angela Robertson* Dr. Karlie Shumway Dr. Yaima Valdes
Buzangu Mbaya*
Dr. Simone Martin* Dr. Diana Rochez* Dr. Muhammad Siddiqi Dr. Joseph Varney
Dr. Rachel Occhiogrosso
Dr. Marissa Martin Dr. Connor Rodimer Dr. Yvette Singh Dr. Thalia Vega Carattini
Dr. Heidi O'Dell*
Dr. Juancarlos Martinez* Dr. Ebenezer Rosiji* Dr. Boone Singtong Dr. Yasaswi Vengalasetti
Dr. Miriam Odurukwe
Dr. Nikolas Martinez Dr. Joseph Russo* Dr. Hunter Smeltzer Dr. Amritha Venguideshe*
Dr. Nosavoen Ogbevoen
Dr. Shayla McCall-McHenry Dr. Lorenzo Russo Dr. Mitchell Smielewski* Dr. Andrew Vierra*
Dr. Emmanuel Onabolu*
Dr. Shane McKenna* Dr. Jonathan Saavedra Dr. Pranali Soni* Dr. Dimitri Villanueva
Dr. Emily Ostrander*
Dr. Arshila Merchant* Dr. Ali Sadeghi Dr. Jamie Spears Dr. Matthew Vore*
Dr. Hedaya Othman*
Dr. Samuel Milam* Dr. Jawed Safi* Dr. Claire Stavenga Dr. Eric Wallace*
*Indicates scholarship recipient *Indicates scholarship recipient
The degrees and honors awarded to the candidates named in this program is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the appropriate The degrees and honors awarded to the candidates named in this program is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the appropriate
requirements. Each candidate must fulfill both academic and financial obligations in order to receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The listing of requirements. Each candidate must fulfill both academic and financial obligations in order to receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The listing of
a student's name in this program (as of May 4, 2023) in no way implies or ensures his or her graduation from the American University of the Caribbean a student's name in this program (as of May 4, 2023) in no way implies or ensures his or her graduation from the American University of the Caribbean
School of Medicine or the award of honors. School of Medicine or the award of honors.