Page 9 - RUSM Fall Quarterly ENews
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RUSM Connect is a free networking and mentoring platform for alumni to cultivate
meaningful connections within the RUSM community. Designed with the schedules of busy working
physicians in mind, RUSM Connect gives alumni complete autonomy over their networking and
mentoring relationships.
• Accessible by computer or smartphone • Connect with the broader alumni community
through forums
• Exchange messages, schedule meetings, video chat,
and more through the platform • Search and connect directly with peers based on
location, grad year, hospital affiliation, specialty, etc.
• Match suggestion capabilities based on preferences
Connect Connect with
with Students Fellow Alumni
Volunteer your time and talents for Alumni are always looking to
either short-term connections or long- connect or reconnect with their
term mentoring. The platform offers a peers. Whether you want to pursue a
range of resources for alumni, so expertise is specific fellowship, share an open position
not necessary, just a desire to help students! with alumni in your specialty, receive
This is a great way to give back and stay guidance on opening a practice, or simply
connected to the RUSM community, as want to connect or reconnect with Rossies
you provide valuable advice that can have who over a Kabuli (wink), RUSM Connect
a lasting impact on budding physicians and can help!
the medical community at large.
RUSM Alumni, if you have two minutes to spare, please update your profile with us –
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