Page 1 - RossYou Day SJEJ March 2024 Program
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We exist because there are inequities in                               ROSSMED DAY

     access to medical education and quality

                    health care…                        Supporting the development and mentoring of medical students as
                                                           scholars and creating opportunities to collaborate and build

                                                       8:00 - 8:45    Registra�on & Breakfast
         Time: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

         Date: Friday, March 8, 2024                   8:45 - 9:20    Welcome & Opening Remarks

         Venue: Episcopal Health Services Clinical Learning

         Center                                        9:20 - 9:30    Silver Stethoscope Award – Teacher of the Year

                                                                     Resident Teacher Award


    Donald T. Morrish, MD, MMM                         9:30 -11:00   Keynote Address: “Reconsidering the Role of Race in

    Dr. Morrish serves as the Chief Execu�ve Officer at Episcopal Health   Clinical Medicine”

    Services Inc. Under his leadership, the SJEH has launched numerous

    strategic ini�a�ves aimed at improving healthcare delivery, significantly   11:00 - 11:15   Break

    boos�ng quality, pa�ent safety, and overall sa�sfac�on. Recognized for his
    prolific contribu�ons to medical literature, Dr. Morrish's work in the realms

    of medical educa�on and leadership has earned him interna�onal   11:15 - 12:45  Academic Rounds

    recogni�on and praise.

    Gerald Walsh                                       12:45 - 1:30    Lunch
    Gerard M. Walsh is a dis�nguished member of the Board of Trustees at

    Episcopal Health Services. As the outgoing CEO of Episcopal Health

    Services, Mr. Walsh significantly transformed healthcare on the Rockaway   1:30 - 2:15   RUSM Alumni Presenta�ons
    Peninsula. Under his leadership, SJEH expanded pa�ent capacity,

    modernized facili�es, and enhanced pa�ent services, leaving a las�ng

    impact that transcends the hospital's physical environment. His ini�a�ves   2:15 - 2:30    Awards Ceremony

    to improve healthcare literacy, and access to social services and

    transporta�on, have played a pivotal role in evolving SJEH into a holis�c,
    pa�ent-focused ins�tu�on.                          2:30 - 2:45    Concluding Remarks

    Iffath Abbasi Hoskins, MD, FACOG, FACS

    Dr. Hoskins is a Professor and Vice Chair of Faculty Development,   2:45 - 2:50   Adjournment
    Recruitment, and Reten�on; Chief Safety Officer; and Director of Labor and

    Delivery in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Montefiore

    Medical Center, the university hospital of Albert Einstein College of   Please include #RossMedDay when sharing pictures or posting about today’s event!

    Medicine. She is also a maternal–fetal medicine subspecialist and author of
    105 publica�ons, including ar�cles, chapters, reviews.
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