Page 5 - Summer 2023 Dean's Honors Night PROGRAM
P. 5
Semester IV
Najib Ahmed Zoha Khan Sydney Jimenez
Nkiru Anigbogu Matthew Loveland Mohamed Moctar
Anjiya Aswani Kristi Mullings Jordan Redden
Michael Atari Alexis Sandor Christal Scott
Garrett Barfoot Jennifer Ejeh Taylor Spencer
Meaghan Bethea Rula Ibraheem Ntsaum Vang
Shiv Bhuvane Ewalina Jeyanesan
Semester V
Adejimi Adaralegbe Samantha Giler Kendell O'Steen
Clementina Akpomedaye Hytham Hammad Donal Mor O'Sullivan
Jalia Anderson Muhammad Hassan Michael Pemelton
Ankita Ansal Sabrina Hawatmeh Stanley Pierre
Reda Arif Jesse Houle Carlos Rincon-Vazquez
Kwaku Asante Ekinadose Imafidon Aman Sharma
Krystal Betancourt Samuel Kim Patrick Strzempek
Liz Betancourt Dre'Quan Lee Oleanna Talia
Nolan Blanchard Junisha Martin Jennifer Tran
Kyrron Davis Edmond Mila David Westbrook
Zainab Elmahmoud Cassidy Miller Alexandra Zodo
Deshon Fisher Seham Noorani
Sara Giddings Chiamaka Odinammadu
Dean’s List Qualifications
During Medical Sciences semesters, students who have maintained a 3.50 GPA in two
earned a HP during semester 1.
successive Medical Sciences semesters qualify for the Dean’s list. They remain on the
Dean’s list as long as they maintain a 3.50 GPA (and above) each semester. The Dean’s list
is posted at the beginning of each semester as soon as grades are available. Semester 2
students are eligible to be on the Dean’s List if they have a 3.50 GPA for semester 2 and