Page 6 - FINAL - April Newsletter
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A P R I L 2 0 2 3 | V O L U M E 3
Comes Full-Circle by Leading Residency Program
For Christine Charaf, MD ’10, “I also get to be their cheerleader,
MBA, FACP, two motivators see them grow and become
brought her to follow a career successful over the three years
path to becoming a physician. before they continue following
their own career paths. Knowing I
“One of the elements of medicine get to play a role in helping them
I’m most enthusiastic about is along their way, no matter how big
taking care of patients, making or small it is, is extremely exciting
sure they feel better, and get the and a special part of my job.”
care they need,” she shared. “I’m
a fierce advocate for my Prior to her residency at
patients.” Morehouse School of Medicine, Dr.
Charaf was first a medical student
As a Program Today, Dr. Charaf is the Program that enrolled at Ross Med in 2006.
Director, I get Director for Morehouse School She was initially encouraged to
of Medicine’s Internal Medicine
excited about Residency Program, the same apply to Ross Med after attending
an alumni event in Atlanta,
seeing the program in which she matched Georgia near where she grew up in
residents all the to after she graduated from Ross Peachtree City. The stories she
way through University School of Medicine heard from alumni that piqued her
this journey and (Ross Med) in 2010. The full- interest later came to be part of her
getting to serve circle moment of leading the own story. From the lifelong
them in this program that once guided her friends made in and out of the
through her own residency is
classroom, to craving another
capacity. goosebump-inducing to think smoothie from the juice man in the
about as Dr. Charaf reflected on campus shacks, life as a student
her journey from her first days quickly became one Dr. Charaf
at Ross Med to now. remembers fondly.
“As a Program Director, I get
excited about seeing the Read More
residents all the way through
this journey and getting to serve
them in this capacity,” said Dr.
6 Charaf.