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No.  Details of the Interfaith and Intrafaith Activities  Photos and/or Remarks

                  Name: Asean Youth Interfaith Camp (AYIC)
                  Theme: Unity in Diversity
                  Date: 24 October - 4 November B.E. 2561
                  Venue: Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bali, Indonesia
                  Hosted and Sponsored by the Government  of
                  Remarks: Mr. Poolsak Sukhsaptaweephol,  the
                  Secretary of Secretariat to the Department of   The Istiqah Mosque Jakarta, 20 from
                  Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Thailand   10 Asean Member States, aged 20-25
                  had indicated keen interest to organise Youth
                  Interfaith Camp, too.
                  Name: The 7  World Peace Forum
                  Theme: The Middle Path for the World Civilization
                  Date: 14 - 16 August B.E. 2561 (2018)
                  Venue: Jakarta

                  Organisers: Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation
                  among Civilizations; Special Envoy of the
                  President of the Republic of Indonesia for         The Plenary Interfaith Session
                  Interfaith and Inter-Civilization Dialogue and
              2   Cooperation; and  Cheng Ho Multi Culture
                  Education Trust
                  Remarks: There was discussion of expansion
                  of Asian Conference of Religions for Peace
                  (ACRP), UN in Asean in general; and in Malaysia
                  in particular. There is keen interest to organise
                  the formation of Malaysian National Chapter of
                  ACRP. ACRP is world’s largest regional body of   30 Malaysian Interfaith Delegates of
                  religiously - inspired people working for peace   different faiths were invited to the Forum
                  and interreligious harmony.

                  Name: Kazakhstan and Thailand: Contribution
                  to Inter-Religious Concord
                  Date: 25 October B.E. 2561 (2018)
                  Venue: The World Fellowship of Buddhists
                  Headquarters, Bangkok, Thailand
                  Organiser: The Government of Kazakhstan and
                  The WFB HQ
                                                                  Delegates from Kazakhstan & Thailand

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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