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The 29  WFB General Conference

                 s the highest decision-making body of The World Fellowship of Buddhists (The
                 WFB), the General Conference has been held in Japan three times up till now: the
          A2  General Conference in B.E. 2495 (1952), the 12  General Conference in B.E. 2521
          (1978), and the 24  General Conference in B.E. 2551 (2008), each conference successfully
          attaining its objectives. To mark the 60  anniversary of Japan Buddhist Federation (JBF),
          the 29  General Conference of The World Fellowship of Buddhists is being held once
          again in Japan this year.
               Buddhist clergy from Japan attended the 1  General Conference, held at the founding
          of The WFB, and the 2  General Conference held in Japan provided the impetus for the
          founding of JBF.  Therefore, the 29  General Conference of The WFB is highly meaningful to
          us, as it signifies a return to our origins.  Furthermore, JBF is The WFB’s sole regional centre
          in Japan, and officials of JBF have served in positions of responsibility as Vice-Presidents
          and Executive Council Members of The WFB since it was established.  In addition, the Tokyo
          Declaration proposed by JBF and adopted at the 24  General Conference provided for the
          establishment of a WFB Humanitarian Services Committee, now is led by a female priest from
          one of our member groups, as an expert of Standing Committee within The WFB.
               The WFB takes a realistic look at the social issues of today and explores how wisdom
          and compassion should be manifested in modern society. The 24  General Conference
          events included symposium where Buddhists actively working on solutions to social problems
          across the globe and exchanging straightforward views on seven selected topic: Peace and
          Coexistence; Social Development by Buddhists; What Can We Do?; Buddhist Wisdom in
          Caring for the Dying and Bereaved; In Search of Gender Equality in Buddhism; What Can
          Buddhists Do on Suicide as a Social Problem?; Youth in Buddhism; and A Buddhist Approach
          to Practical Solutions to the Environmental Crisis. The symposium stimulated thought-provoking
          discussions and fruitful exchanges among Buddhist from all over the world.
               For the past 10 years since the last General Conference of The WFB held in Japan,
          we suffered the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.  Buddhists communities

                                   RECORD OF PROCEEDING |  THE 29  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFB
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