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Rectors Task and Projects 2017-18
3 kinds of activities:
1. Toward Institutional development of the WBU
a. Reform new emblem
b. Reform new WBU Charter
c. Redesign an online Buddha Portal – create a search engine for Buddhist Study
d. Buddhist Path to Sustainable Development Goals – frequent WBU international
Venerable announced that the WBU will be hosting an upcoming conference with the
theme ‘Buddhist Path to Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG). It will be conducted
from the 4 -5 of December B.E. 2561 (2018) at the National Buddhism of Thailand
Auditorium and is a tribute to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of
(Refer to page 37 in Rector’s Report) The concept of the conference is that Sustainable
(stay the same), Development (move, change) is an oxymoron. When you look at the
word ‘sustain’, or ‘sub’ in latin, it means foundation, from below, and ‘tenere’, means hold.
Dharma, and Sustain, same word, same meaning, Dhammachakra. Moving forward,
but with the Dhamma. Move forward with firm ground (sub) in the Dhamma (tenere),
sustain. The heart of the Buddhist Doctrine is no other than sustainable development
in action.
SEP = Noble Eightfold Path (See chart on Page 39 of Rector’s Report)
• Sila (S) = Sufficiency
• Samadhi (E) = Economy
• Panya (P) = Philosophy
Prominent scholars from Europe and America have been invited to participate in the
conference ‘Buddhist Path to Sustainable Development Goals’. Phra Anil Sakya has
arranged with the Prime Minister of Thailand for the outcomes of this meeting to be
incorporated into a reference handbook for the field of sustainability development goals.
2. Activity-based Projects: Ven Rector’s Contribution to Buddhist World
• International Peace Conference, UNESCO, Paris
• A Buddhist Merit Dedication Ceremony to the late His Majesty the late King
Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, which was broadcast live throughout Thailand
• ‘Cognitive Transformation Therapy’ – A New Buddhist Therapy of Transformation
created by Phra Anil Sakya. Phra was requested by the Princess of Thailand, as a
Rector of the WBU, to assist with a program of transformation in the Thai jail system.