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3. The recommendation shall also indicate the category under which the institution
qualifies to be invited in terms of the following conditions:
A. Any university, college, or department which is nationally or regionally approved
or accredited by the appropriate central or state government or accrediting
body and where a substantial program of Buddhist studies and research is
provided, qualifies to be an Associated Centre for Teaching and Research;
B. A traditional institution of Buddhist Education such as a Pirivena and Pali, or a
Buddhist college catering mainly to monastics with approval by government or
a monastic order, qualifies to be an Approved Associated Centre for Education
based on a Buddhist Curriculum;
C. A research and publications institute devoted primarily to Buddhist research
and publications qualifies to be an Approved Associated Centre for Research,
provided its publication program is a non-profit operation;
D. An institution such as a meditation centre which has been in operation for at
least ten years and has a regular clientele of trainees or participants qualifies
to be an Approved Associated Centre for Buddhist Practice;
E. If in doubt, a note should be added on why the category cannot be decided;
F. The recommendation shall also specify whether the institution belongs to
Category A, B or C as stipulated in Article 6, Section 3 of Statute No. 2.
1. On receipt of a recommendation under Article I, the Rector and the Heads of
Departments shall examine the recommendation and prepare a draft decision and
submit it to the Council Chairman for approval of the Council.
2. On receipt of the Chairman’s observations, the draft decision shall be sent to Council
Members for vote by mail.
3. On receipt of a majority vote in favour, the recommendation will be implemented as
provided in Article III.