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1.4 Assistant Secretary-General of The WFB
Mr. Jun-An Bill Chen from Pure Land Learning College Association Inc. (a Regional
Centre of The WFB in Australia) who has extensive experiences in coordinating
and organizing international interfaith dialogue and exhibition. He is the person
who assisted the Most Ven. Chin Kung, President of Pure Land Learning College
Inc. and Ven. Wu Shin organized activities of The WFB at UNESCO Headquarter
and in Bangkok that received successful outcome.
2. Future Co-operated Unit of The WFB
Association of Master Chin Kung’s Friends at UNESCO-Peace and Harmony
Development (PAHD)
At the 91 EXCO Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand B.E. 2561 (2018) this organization
applied for membership of The WFB, however, it is not in accordance with Article 12 of
The WFB Constitution due to most of its executive members are from various religions
and are non-Buddhist. However, with the intention of The WFB to work with multi
religions for the betterment of the world and it is also a challenge to work with inter-
religious organization that share same objectives with The WFB, it was agreed to assign
Dato’ Ang Choo Hong, an EXCO Member, to draft a new category for this kind of
organization in order to develop relationship for the role of The WFB with multi
religious organizations at international level and this will be submitted to The WFB
General Conference.
3. Activities with local organizations
Other than attended Buddhist activities on all important occasions of Buddhism, Office of
Secretariat of The WFB had sent representatives to participate at various functions as follow:
Attended the Meeting of Religious Relations organized by the Department of Religion
Affairs of Thailand in order to promote co-operation and understanding among various
religions in Thailand.
Attended as organizing member at Youth Relationship Camp of 5 religions namely
Buddhism, Islam, Christian, Brahmin-Hindu, and Sikhs in order to cultivate morality
in youth generation.
Attended an academic seminar on Uniting for Enhancing a moral society contributed
by religious principles and Thai culture organized by the Department of Religion Affairs
of Thailand.
Attended seminar of National Assembly of Dissemination of Buddhism held by
Mahamakut Buddhist University in order to mobilize opinion and suggestion on
sustainable dissemination of Buddhism through home, temple, and school which are
the main social force to restore Buddhism to the heart of people.