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H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe
Prime Minister of Japan
I offer my sincere congratulations on the opening of the 29 General Conference of The
World Fellowship of Buddhists (The WFB), the 20 General Conference of the World Fellowship
of Buddhist Youth (WFBY), and the 11 Meeting of the World Buddhist University (WBU)
Council. It has been 10 years since the 24 General Conference of The WFB was held in Japan,
and this is the fourth time that Japan acts as conference host. I believe this is an excellent
occasion for delegates gathering here to conduct discussions in a spirit of friendship and goodwill.
Budddhism, based on the teachings of Buddha and spread throughout the world, was
introducted to Japan around the mid-sixth century. Emphasizing the dignity of every human
being and providing spiritual solace, Buddhism also greatly contributed to the development of
Japanese culture. Even today, the spirit of Buddhism lives on in the words, actions and customs
of the Japanese people, supporting our culture and spirit in daily life. I believe that the Buddha’s
teachning on social harmony plays an important role in helping evryone respect differences in
values and cultures and feel empathy toward each other.
On the international and domestic scenes, circumstances have changed considerably since
the last conference held in Japan 10 years ago. People all over the world are suffering be it from
terrorist attacks or ethnic conflict, while Japan faces difficult problems of its own in the form of
population aging, a declining birthrate, differing ideas about the family, and a chaning social
structure. Japan has also suffered unpreceedented natural calamities, including the Great East
Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, and many citizens are still struggling to resptore normality
to their lives. Al times like this it is more important than ever to respect and love each other,
as the Buddha teaches.
I know that in addition to enhancing Buddhist culture, Buddhist organizations have
actively supported and contributed to society in various ways with the goal of promoting world
peace, I hope that the conference’s theme of “Compassion in Action: Creating Hope and Life in
Death” will establish connections between people and that everyone, regardless of nationality,
culture and ethnic group, will work to bring about a world of pece, and I am certain that the
Conference symposium and discussions will be very successful.
In closing, I hope that Conference participants will have an enjoyable stay in Japan and
take away lasting memories of their visit.