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Most Venerable Taitsu Kono
The former Abbot of Myoshinji
Temple and former President of JBF
His dedication to Buddhism has never
altered since graduated from Hazano
University and had been a chief
priest and Zen Master. Other than his
clergy role, he also devotes himself to
social welfare activity. His continuous
support to The WFB with generosity
including his selfless dedication to
Buddhism and social welfare service,
we are pleased to present him with the
Grand Medal of Academy.
Most Venerable Taitsu Kono
The former Abbot of Myoshinji Temple and
former President of Japan Buddhist Federation
THE WFB Medal Award
Most Venerable Chiko Iwagami
The former Chairperson of JBF
His achievement is seen from past
experiences as college Professor,
Chairperson of university, Member
of Religious Juridical Persons
Council, Board Member of Japanese
Association of Religious Organizations,
Governor and Secretary General of
Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. Currently
he is still active in education and
clergy circles.His continuous support
and co-operation to The WFB with
generosity including his selfless
dedication to Buddhism, we are
pleased to present him with the Grand
Medal of Honour.
Most Venerable Chiko Iwagami
The former Chairperson of JBF