Page 43 - mobile
P. 43
at the waves hotel and been so close to the water. None of this would have happened.”
Sireinamelosjhara said in a hushed tone.
“It's a good hotel. It's not their fault we took a night swim. If any one is to blame
it's whoever is calling out Siren from the water.” Colshios replied, but was interrupted.
“A Siren's voice? What did it say? What did it sound like?” Knekiose Asked. The girls
rolled their eyes “SI-REN....” Came the voice again. Chellejary gasped in fright and sat
up heavily breathing. Her body was trembling. “I hear you. What do you want from us?
What do you want from me?” Chellejary asked. The girls turned around and everyone
looked at her confused. “Who are you talking to boo?” Sirenamelosjhara asked.
“The voice. Can’t you hear her?” She asked them. The two looked at their friend then
back at each other. Shaking their heads. “No Chellejary. Sorry.” Colshios said. “We don’t
hear anything love?” Sireinamelosjhara said. “SI-R-EN… CHELLE-JAR-Y..…” Came
the voice again. Chellejary looked around with fear in her eyes. Part of her left eye had
a small corner that started turning a dark gray. “Do you guys really not hear the voice
calling siren or my name?” She asked. Everyone shook their heads. “ I think you should
head back home now and rest. And when you are more able to adventure these waters
call me on this.” Knekiose said. Holding out a Conch shell. When Chellejary touched it
she felt it pulsed like a heartbeat right through her. The sound was loud to her ears. It
was a surprise no one else heard it. “I’ll be here waiting for your return, your majesty.”
He said with a bow.
Elcoe helped guide the girls back to the beach. By then it was morning. The girls
waved goodbye to the little guy, then headed back to their room. As they walked back to
their room the girls told Chellejary all that happened while she was away. Chellejary
was distracted with her own thoughts but still tried to tune into what her girls were
telling her.
************ Splash!