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P. 96
Which pulled her straight into its opening. By the time the lady and other mers
knew she was gone it was too late. The lady hit her fist on the wall and yelled at them
to find her. And not to rest till they did. They zoomed out like dark fog clouds. "Find
her friends and bring them in. They will not escape me again!". She shouted after them.
The sharks of darkness were already underway.
“Uhhh are we there yet?!” Shouted Colshios from the back of the turtle. She as a
human was not very fond of all the water around her, she lost her mother to it and it
made her feel claustrophobic. It also brought up old tramas from her past too. And all
this ruff sitting on a long journey being tossed around just made her feel motion sick
after a while. And in this case none was the exception. She looked like she was going to
hural. “Hey, Mr Turtle, my friend isn’t looking too well. Is there any way to take a
quick surface break? Out of the water channel? For some fresh air? ” Sireinamelosjhara
asked. Ah Qu nodded then tilted his body upwards and swam up to the surface. It was