Page 9 - Dua Pilar Raya Company Profile
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DUA PILAR RAYA – “Your Best Partner In Enchancing The Quality”

                Our Experience

                                             PT. SANS MITRA INDONESIA

                                             Jakarta – Indonesia

                                             PT.  Sans  Mitra  Indonesia  is  an  innovation  and

                                             developer  company,  which  focuses  on  IoT  and

                                             infrastructure  development  for  industry  4.0.  The
                                             scope  of  their  work  is  making  hardware  and

                                             software and building and developing systems.

                The project that we have worked on is procurement of Polycrystalline

                SP..080-12M 12V..80WP Solar Panel

                 PT. SANS MITRA INDONESIA

                Jakarta – Indonesia

                PT.  Sans  Mitra  Indonesia  is  an  innovation  and

                developer  company,  which  focuses  on  IoT  and
                infrastructure  development  for  industry  4.0.  The

                scope  of  their  work  is  making  hardware  and

                software and building and developing systems.

                The project that we have worked on is procurement of Box Panel 40x50x25

                cm and Accessories

                                             Politeknik Negeri Bandung

                                             Bandung, West Java – Indonesia

                                             The Polytechnic was established and pioneered by

                                             the  Ministry  of  Education  and  Culture  in  1979

                                             through the Director General of Higher Education
                                             Decree  No.  03/DJ/Kep/1979,  January  27,  1979,

                                             concerning  the  Opening  of  Diploma  Education

                                             Programs  in  the  Field  of  Engineering  and
                Accounting and the Development Center for Technical Experts

                The  project  that  we  have  worked  on  is  Practical  Materials  Procurement
                Work  Package  Accounting  Of  Bandung.State  Polytechnic

                Fiscal.Year 2020
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