Page 2 - NL Magazine Template
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Do you want a question answered by your

                                       Editor In-Chief Speaks

             I am absolutely excited that the first edition of this                                                      resident agony aunt (Connor) every month?

         magazine has finally landed on your laptop, phone or                                                            Have you got an image that you wish to submit

      tablet. Last year, I noticed that there wasn’t an easy way                                                        in our monthly competition? Do you have a

    to catch uo on everything Northumbria. Yes we get emails                                                            society that you want ad space for? Drop an

        and newsletters off both the Union and your University

         faculty/department. But the result of this is a cluttered                                                      email at:

       inbox, and that is a cluttered life! So this year, I want to

      give you a student-created resource to help make sense                                                            Do you want to join the brilliant team of

     of life here. It doesn’t matter if you can’t tell a lecture from

      a seminar, or if you’re struggling with your dissertation, I                                                      contributors we have? Then join our society for

     want to help you make the most out of your time here. I’m                                                          just £5 by clicking the link:

     excited that we have a lot of amazing student contributors

         this year, all with different areas of interest, ready and

               committed to make high-quality content for you

       Especially in the COVID-19 climate, it is more important

      then ever that we share experiences, advice and hope. I

       hope that this will be a beacon of life in this difficult era,

       and that it helps you enjoy what Newcastle has to offer,

     while providing you with information about how to socially

    distance in the process. Despite all the changes to this uni

       and Newcastle, you will have the experience of your life

                                                    this year.

                                                    With love,

                                               Connor Lamb
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