Page 24 - The Edge2023 - Spring
P. 24
Michelle Hamilton Bobby Williams
Purchasing from Minority Firms will Get Federal Attention
With the huge influx of federal funds stemming accountable to make sure they are including
from the Covid pandemic, school districts can some type of minority, women, Native American
expect closer scrutiny on how those dollars are classification into their procurements. That trend
spent. is starting to grow across America.”
The federal focus will be on procurement, Hamilton explained that procurement rules for
particularly whether various minority and select school districts date back to practical competition.
groups have benefitted. Two school procurement “In our mind, we get what we get – vendors that
experts – Michelle Hamilton, Mesa Public Schools are registered,” she said. “But, it’s becoming more
Director of Purchasing, and Bobby Williams, apparent, now that we’ve had this huge influx of
Solutions Engineer for OpenGov, a government federal funds. It’s requiring that 200.321 of the
technology company that offers cloud software Code of Federal Regulations be followed.”
for public sector accounting, planning, budgeting,
citizen services, and procurement – conducted a Hamilton spelled out the specifics of 200.321,
breakout session on Strategic Procurement at the which relates to contracting with small and
AASBO Vendor/Buyer Conference. minority businesses, women's business enterprises,
and labor surplus area firms: “The non-federal
Hamilton and Williams emphasized the increased entity must take all necessary affirmative steps to
interest in Minority/Women Business Enterprise assure that minority businesses, women's business
entities – MWBE, which procurement specialists enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used
refer to as “meeby-weeby.” when possible, and affirmative steps must include
the following:
“We don’t know what the federal “One. Placing qualified small and minority
audits are going to look like yet.” businesses and women's business enterprises on
– Michelle Hamilton solicitation lists.
“Two. Assuring that small and minority businesses,
and women's business enterprises are solicited
“We’re seeing how procurement works, not just whenever they are potential sources.
K-12, but counties and cities across the nation,”
Williams said. “The trend started to develop over “Three. Dividing total requirements, when
the last 24 months – we’re seeing ‘meeby-weeby’ economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities
from the federal side. Agencies are setting goals, to permit maximum participation by small and
a percentage. They’re holding general contractors minority businesses, and women's business enterprises.