Page 10 - The Edge - Winter 2017
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             It’s Time to Submit Nominees for

             AASBO’s 2017 Best Practices Awards

              One of the best reasons for belonging to
            the Arizona Association of School Business
            O   cials is the Best Practices Awards program.
              It’s  one  of  those  win-win-win  situations
            – the school districts or charter schools
            and the individuals who are selected for
            the award gain recognition and more, other
            AASBO members learn a better way to tackle
            a sometimes di   cult task, and the taxpayers
            will appreciate that their money is being spent
              Now that the holidays are over and
            things are getting back to normal, it’s time
            to think about submitting nominees for a
            Best Practices Award, said Jim Migliorino,
            who introduced the program several years
            ago. Migliorino, Associate Superintendent of
            Fiscal Services for Deer Valley Uni  ed School
            District, urged all AASABO members to start
            looking around their district or charter school
            for potential winners.                                 org. Or you can call him at (623) 445-4959 or at ASSBO, (602) 253-
              “   e AASBO Best Practices Award provides an opportunity for  5576. A nomination form is available on the AASBO website.
            our association to celebrate the good things that are going on in our   Be sure to include the name of the person being nominated,
            profession,” he said. “   e award recognizes e  orts that proactively  their title, work phone number and email address. Also provide
            provide improvements to better education in our state. By making  the employer’s name and mailing address, a description, up to
            these awards, these great activities can be shared with others who  150 words, of the activity that deserves recognition, and how the
            may be able to implement them in their own district or charter.    e  activity bene  ts the educational process.
            awardees get publicly recognized at the AASBO Spring Conference      e 2016 winners were:
            with an o   cial certi  cate, plus the named individual receives a gi     • Tucson Uni  ed School District for its playground equipment
            card.”                                                 inspection program.
              Recalling past winners, Migliorino said, “It’s really encouraging   • Tempe Elementary School District for engaging students in the
            to see the ingenuity that our members demonstrate. Each and every  construction of a new school.
            year I am more impressed with the nominees and their exciting   • Paradise Valley Uni  ed School District for the unannounced
            ideas.  Hopefully, other AASBO members will consider adapting  temporary reassignment of cafeteria managers.
            the winning projects to their own district.”             • Pendergast Elementary School District for an engineering
              Nominations are due Friday, February 24.             assessment to save a historic landmark and $3.7 million.
              The Selection Committee review of nominations will be   • Holbrook Uni  ed School District for the development of a
            completed by March 8.                                  creative and economical GPS system.
              Notices will be sent to the winners by March 10.       Other nominees last year were Bullhead City Elementary and
              Winners will be announced at AASBO’s Spring Conference  Colorado River Union High School Districts; Tucson Uni  ed
            on April 7, the   nal day of the three-day gathering in Laughlin,  School District; Flagsta   Uni  ed School District; Wickenburg
            Nevada.                                                Uni  ed School District; Dysart Uni  ed School District; Higley
              Nominations should be emailed to Jim Migliorino, AASBO Best  Uni  ed School District/ Higley High School; Stan  eld Uni  ed
            Practices Awards Program Chairman, at: jim.migliorino@dvusd.  School District; Creighton Elementary School District; Littleton
                                                                   Elementary School District, and Prescott Uni  ed School District.

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