Page 21 - The Edge - Winter 2017
P. 21
4 Technology Programs at will Improve
Communication with Students
Sandra Schossow
If the same Powerpoint presentation over and over causes people in on a tablet or other device and participate. My sister uses it. She
to lose interest, there are new ways to keep your audience, including likes it and the kids like it.”
students and employees, engaged. Here are four programs Schossow discussed during a breakout
Sandra Schossow of Peoria Uni ed School District stepped session last year:
away from her usual role as Director of Food and Nutrition to Poll Everywhere enables students to respond to a presentation
o er AASBO members a technology-based presentation. “Try to using mobile phones, twitter or web browsers. “You get results
use a presentation about Powerpoint without using Powerpoint,” instantly in real time,” Schossow said. “Participants can text to a
she said. “We get so comfortable with Powerpoint. In ve minutes number on the screen.” You can ask open-ended questions. ey
you’ve got a presentation. Or, you could try something di erent.” can be true/false questions or require a short answer. Responses can
She told about confusion she encountered in communicating by anonymous or identi ed by name. It shows who is giving most
with cafeteria managers. The key is to get instant feedback. of the same responses.
Schossow said her sister, a teacher, asked: “How do I get my Socrative is accessible by mobile phones, tablets and laptops
students to know what I wanted them to know? Did they really with access to the Internet. “Students can respond in real time,”
understand?” Schossow suggested using polling to get an audience Schossow said. “ e teacher can see what students are thinking,
involved. “Polling is easy to use,” she said. “Your audience can log
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