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Where Formula Dollars Come From                                                                  16

            The  money  to  support  the  Revenue  Control  Limit   The State Board of Education is charged with distributing
            and  District Additional Assistance, as set forth in the   state aid (equalization assistance) from the state aid enti-
            preceding sections, are obtained from two main sources   tlement for school districts. In reality district’s’ will receive
            - state equalization assistance and property taxes.  1/12th  of  2/3rds  of  the  state  aid  payments  each  month
                                                                and the additional 1/3rd lump sum payment is rolled over
            State Equalization Assistance                       in  July  of  the  subsequent  fiscal  year.  A.R.S.  §15-973
                                                                provides the following schedule for state aid distributions
            The school finance formula attempts to ensure that each   to school districts:
            district has equitable budget capacity compared to others
            in the state. Equalization assistance helps to ensure that   On the fifteenth business day of:
            the revenues available for district budgets are shared
            equitably as described in A.R.S. §15-971. Equalization   July        1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            assistance is the amount of money that the state provides   August    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            to school districts over and above the levy amount raised   September    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            with the uniform Qualifying Tax Rate (QTR). If the local   October    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            tax rate necessary to fund the RCL/DSL, DAA and allo-  November    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            cation formulas is equal to or lower than the Qualifying
            Tax  Rate,  no  state  equalization  assistance  is  given.  If   December    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            the tax rate necessary to fund the formulas is greater   January    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            than the Qualifying Tax Rate, state equalization assis-  February    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            tance is provided in order to keep this portion of local   March    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            property taxes uniform throughout Arizona. The amount   April      1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            of equalization assistance provided varies inversely with
            a district’s per weighted student assessed property valu-  May     1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            ation. As the district assessed valuation per student goes   June    1/12 of the total amount is distributed
            up,  the  equalization  assistance  goes  down.  The  state
            equalization aid formula can be described as follows:
                                                                If a school district has cash flow problems, it can apply
            1. Equalization base is the sum of the lesser of the RCL   to  the  Superintendent  of  Public  Instruction  for  early
            or  DSL,  District  Additional  Assistance  Allocation  and   payments  on  the  schedule  shown  above.  Advance
            District Type 03 tuition-out charge (if applicable).  payments will be made if state funds are available and
                                                                if approved by the State Treasurer, the Director of the
            2.  District  Preliminary  Assessed  Valuation  (A.V.)  -   Department of Administration and the Superintendent of
            Including valuation of in-lieu contributions.       Public Instruction. In no event is a school district allowed
                                                                to receive more than three-fourths of its total apportion-
            3. Qualifying Tax Rate (QTR) for 2022-23  is $1.7133   ment before May 1 of the fiscal year.
            for elementary level students and high school students.
            Unified and Type 03 elementary districts must separately
            determine equalization based on PSD-8 student count
            and 9-12 student count.

            4.  Qualifying  Levy  is  the  district’s  Primary  Assessed
            Valuation  divided  by  100  multiplied  by  the  Qualifying
            Tax Rate.

            5.  Equalization  Assistance  is  the  Equalization  Base
            minus the Qualifying Levy.

            Arizona Association of School Business Officials   |   School Finance Summary Manual
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