Page 29 - AASBO EDGE BTS 2023
P. 29
State Agencies Provide Schools with Resources,
Solutions for Cybersecurity
New As school districts large and small deal with Under Identify, school districts are encouraged
the expensive and changing field of cybersecurity, to make an inventory of software assets used
the Arizona Department of Homeland Security throughout the district and in the classrooms
and the Department of Emergency and Military and to vet online applications. Training and tools
Affairs are offering an assortment of tools, are available. It was recommended that districts
resources and solutions for K-12 schools. conduct an IT capacity assessment. The purpose
is not to measure any district’s cybersecurity
Representatives from the state of Arizona explained program – it’s just a tool, a solution.
in a breakout session at the AASBO Summer
Conference and Exposition the technology-related To Protect, AASBO members were urged to
assistance that is available and they encouraged implement safeguards to ensure the safety of
AASBO members to participate. The goal is for your district’s assets. The Arizona Department
the state to understand the K-12 technology needs of Homeland Security offers the Statewide Cyber
and advocate for them. Readiness Program, providing cyber resources to
local and tribal government entities in Arizona
The presenters identified five key areas of at no cost; Anti-Phishing/Security Awareness
cybersecurity as listed by NIST, the National Training; Advanced Endpoint Protection;
Institute of Standards and Technology – Identify, Converged Endpoint Management; Multi-Factor
Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover. Authentication; and Web Application Firewall.
Under Detect, it was recommended that districts
implement mechanisms to identify the occurrence
of cybersecurity incidents and how the state is
assisting. AASBO members were told to conduct
penetration testing and vulnerability scanning.
The Cyber Joint Task Force from the Department
of Emergency and Military Affairs has entered
into an agreement with the Arizona Department
of Education to provide penetration testing and
vulnerability assessment at no cost to the school
district, including public and charter systems.
It’s important to emphasize that ADE does not
receive any of the information from the Task