Page 4 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 4


                              BY NATE BOWLER

                              Back to School, Back to Work — It’s a New Year!

              What a great summer!  I hope
            you took some time to get away
            from the office, spend time
            with family, or just unplug. I
            have teenagers at home so my
            summer consisted of shu   ing
            kids from one activity to
            another. Maybe your time away
            from the office this summer
            consisted of the AASBO Annual
            Summer Conference! If you did
            attend the conference, I hope
            that you were able to come back
            motivated and charged with
            some new ideas, new friends,
            and skills to take back to your
              As we move forward to a new
            school year, many of us look to
            get into the swing of things again
            after the summer break. Teachers
            returning, new sta   meetings and
            of course, students coming back.
               is time of year is also a good time to start some new habits   Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and In  uence People,” or
            and set some new goals.  Maybe this list can help give you some  Jim Collins’ “Good to Great” are good ones to start with. I
            ideas as you start the new year.                       am not the most avid reader, but I think you will   nd that
              Do a self assessment. What do you want to be better at this  you will enjoy these types of books more than you thought
            year? Maybe you would like to upgrade that budget process  you would.
            you have been meaning to implement. Maybe you want to    Take a risk. If you have a weakness or something that
            learn that software that you have been saying, “I need to learn  intimidates you that you would like to try, take that risk.    ere’s
            that.” Or maybe you just want to automate that spreadsheet or  an old saying, “Good decisions come from experience, and
            process that you have been saying that you will get around to  experience comes from bad decisions.” Tell yourself it’s OK to
            that one day. Pick one thing and make time for it.     take some risks once in a while. How did you learn to walk? By
              Take time for relationships. Many of us have so many things  falling.    is will allow you to see where you need to improve,
            going on that we feel we don’t have enough time in the day.  correct it and continue to grow.
            We have meeting stacked on top of meeting on top of meeting      e key is continuous improvement. Don’t get discouraged.
            or deadline after deadline. Yet, we have lives and the people  Take one small step at a time. Be proud of yourself. Take a look
            who we work with have lives as well. Studies have shown that  back at what your accomplishments are. When you accomplish
            building relationships can be one of the most productive and  something, reward yourself! Note what you have learned and
            enjoyable things we can do in our jobs. Take time to get to know  how you have grown. Are you using these habits, skills and
            people. It will pay o   many times over in the future.  strengths that you have acquired to your advantage? You may
                 ank you. Don’t we all love to hear those two words?  not notice it but you probably are growing and improving more
               anking people for what they do can make people feel valued  than you think you are. Share your successes with those around
            and can strengthen your relationships. Write thank you notes,  you. We all want to get a little better every day and every bit of
            say thank you, or send thank you emails more often.    encouragement that we can get from each other goes a long
              Read or listen to an inspiring book this year. Stephen  way. I wish us all a fabulous and successful school year. Let’s go
            Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly E  ective People,” Dale  make a di  erence in the lives of kids!

            4                                                                         THE EDGE  |  BACK TO SCHOOL 2019
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