Page 27 - The Edge - BTS 2016
P. 27


                             BY DON HARRIS
                             Having a Positive Attitude Gets

                             You    rough the Journey of Life

              SAM GLENN

              Sam Glenn has an attitude – an attitude that emphasizes how  told my wife I had to eat with the guy or he was going to press
            humor can improve your journey through life.           charges,” Glenn said. Until that point, Glenn always felt he had a
              Glenn, the keynote speaker July 21 at AASBO’s 63rd Annual  good attitude, but, “Other people messed it up.”
            Conference and Expo, kept his audience in stitches and got them   Addressing school  district  issues, Glenn  said, “Excellence
            thinking – about attitude. “Attitude can be getting in the way or  in education starts with enthusiasm. If you’re not excited about
            making the way,” he said. “We determine which every day.”  what you do, it shows up in your work. We need to rekindle our
              Glenn said he “came from the other side,” and explained: “I  enthusiasm. Some people have no awareness of how their attitude
            was a negative guy, and it was not working for me. I was the guy  a  ects everybody else.”
            you didn’t want to work with, the guy you didn’t want to have a   Glenn recalled a comment from the late motivational speaker
            relationship with.”                                    Zig Ziglar, who recommended “a checkup from the neck up.”
                 e change occurred at a bu  et. Glenn, a robust 6-feet, 6 inches   At this point in his presentation, Glenn stepped to a large black
            tall, 280 pounds, said he knocked a guy down while in line. “I’m  canvass and using chalk began to sketch a colorful scene depicting
            not a bu  et bully, but he was bu  et browsing,” Glenn said. “Come  a man on life’s journey. A couple of times he rubbed out what he
            on – you scoop it, you drop it, you move it.”    e guy invited Glenn  had drawn, but they weren’t mistakes. He was adding texture to
            to have lunch with him and his wife, which was awkward because
            Glenn’s family was sitting on the other side of the restaurant. “I                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 28

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