Page 13 - 65th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 13

Thursday's  Agenda

                                                  July 19, 2018

            Refreshments and Networking                                      Breakout Session IV
                 Thursday 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm                            Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm

                     Breakout Session IV                        303: Prop 206, Impact on Child Nutrition
                 Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm                            Programs
                                                                This session will include tips on how to deal with
        301: Crowd-Based Funding – Setting Your District        increasing  salary  costs  associated  with  Prop
                Up for Success                                  206.  Best practices will be shared as well as
        Crowd-based funding is not going away.  Stu-            tools to determine labor productivity and fore-
        dent clubs and athletic teams will continue to          cast budget impact.
        explore  new  and  creative  ways  to  fundraise.       Presented  by:  Kathy  Glindmeier  -  Paradise
        Crowd-based funding can be intimidating and if          Valley Unified School District & Debbie McCar-
        not carefully monitored can cause internal con-         ron - Gilbert Public Schools
        trol  issues  for  your  District.    This  session  will
        review best practices for establishing a compli-
        ant, yet flexible set of policies and procedures        304: How Can Water Filtration Systems Benefit
        for your district.                                              Your Facilities?

        Presented by: Lana Berry - Chandler Unified             Find out how a simple change can extend the
        School District & Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech          life  span  of  your  equipment.  From  kitchen
                                                                equipment  to  central  plant  and  everything  in
                                                                between, see how water filtration impact lon-
                                                                gevity  and  performance  throughout  your  dis-
        302: Using the Infinite Visions Business Process        trict.
                Review to Increase Efficiency and Maximize      Presented  by:  Linda  Sharrett  -  Avondale  El-
                Resources                                       ementary School District & Robert Jacobson -
        Does  your  District  utilize  Infinite  Visions  Ac-   Laveen School District & Ryan Dobson - Profes-
        counting  Software?    Do  you  have  a  desire  to     sional Reps
        increase efficiency and maximize the benefit of
        the software?  Come to this session and learn
        how the Alhambra School District worked with            305: Position Budgeting
        Tyler Technologies in a Business Process Review         With up to 80% of the District operating budget
        to better utilize Infinite Visions to increase the      consumed by salaries and benefits, it is more
        efficiency  of  employees,  improve  communica-         critical  then  ever  to  ensure  the  District  has  a
        tion  between  Payroll  and  Human  Resources           method  to  properly  estimate  position  consts
        staff,  and  implement  projects  such  as  Elec-       including all benefits.  The Position Budgeting
        tronic Contracts.  Whether you have been using          utility  within  Visions  allows  you  to  accurately
        Infinite Visions for 10 years or 10 months this         budget for all positions both filled and vancant.
        session will provide helpful ideas that you can         This tool will also allow you to build projections
        immediately implement in your district.                 for salary increases.

        Presented  by:  Scott  Heusman  -  Alhambra             Presented by: Mike Martinez - MCESA
        School District & Casey Halley - Tyler Technolo-

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