Page 26 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 26


                                                                    Erica Gentile  Lisa Folsom
        Vendors Have Strategies for Connecting with Clients

        If school business officials face challenges working from  presentation February 9, Erica Gentile, Sales Operations
        home, consider what it’s like for vendors.              Manager for ICM Document Solutions, and Lisa Folsom,
                                                                who oversees business development for Sunland Asphalt
        Representatives of two companies that provide products  &  Construction  and  is AASBO Vendor  Representative,
        and services for schools identified some of the obstacles  told what their business experiences have been like in the
        they  face  during  the  COVID-19  pandemic  and  offered  past year – and it’s not all bad.
        colleagues  with  tips  on  how  to  deal  with  widespread
        closures.  In  a  Vendor/Buyer  Conference  virtual  “What  a  year,”  Gentile  proclaimed,  and  quickly  added
                                                                       that part of her day still consists of making phone
                                                                       calls, researching her accounts and sending emails.
                                                                       But instead of driving to her office, fighting traffic
                                                                       for  30-to-40  minutes,  she  rolls  out  of  bed,  gets
                                                                       the kids off to school, and is ready for work. She
                                                                       admitted that “nap times are more tempting during
                                                                       the day.”

                                                                       “The  whole  environment  has  changed,”  Gentile
                                                                       said.  “Phone  calls  have  changed,  because  a  lot
                                                                       of the people I’m trying to call are also working
                                                                       at home. Not everyone has forwarded their work
                                                                       phone to their personal phone. I get a lot of voice
                                                                       messages, and I don’t have a cell or home phone
                                                                       for everybody. It becomes challenging.”

                                                                       Gentile  notes  that  many  of  her  contacts  have
                                                                       staggered  work  schedules,  so  she’s  not  sure
                                                                       whether they’re in their office or working remotely.
                                                                       “Sometimes I reach them, sometimes I don’t,” she
                                                                       said. “I don’t typically leave voice mails.”

                                                                       The  trend  is  toward  more  digital  marketing,
                                                                       including press releases, blogs, and maybe social
                                                                       media,  Gentile  said.  She  also  recommended
                                                                       relying more on customer referrals.

                                                                       Folsom said she never had to deal with not being
                                                                       able to see her clients. She said she has perfected
                                                                       what she calls “the sneak attack,” by dropping in

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 29

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