Page 8 - The Edge - Summer 2016
P. 8


            BY DON HARRIS

            Roo  ng Southwest Understands the Unique

            Nature of Working with School Districts

           When a leaky roof threatens to disrupt classes, school districts want  during the summer months when students aren’t present, typically
        the repairs or replacement done quickly, safely and at a reasonable  only a one-to-two-month timeline,” Radobenko said. “Roo  ng
        cost.                                                  Southwest works well under timelines and has even found ways to
              at’s what Roo  ng Southwest has been doing in Arizona and  help our professional roofers cope with the tremendous Southwestern
        throughout the Southwest since 1971, with a special focus on K-12  summer heat. We o  er 24-hour emergency service.”
        schools. Roo  ng Southwest is currently working with a variety of   Roo  ng Southwest understands the need for little or no downtime
        districts in Arizona, both metro and rural.            during a school year. Image, safety, cleanliness and noise are all issues
           Having served hundreds of Arizona schools during the past 45  that the company helps schools deal with as they continue to educate
        years, Roo  ng Southwest is a natural to become AASBO’s newest  American’s youth, Radobenko said.
        Alliance Partner.    e company has more than 300 team members   Roo  ng Southwest chose to become an AASBO Alliance Partner
        during the peak season and serves Arizona schools through the  to support the organization that educates their members on best
        Mohave Educational Services Cooperative.               practices.
           In addition to Arizona, Roo  ng Southwest is active in California,   “AASBO  has  many fantastic  networking  and  educational
        Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma,  opportunities, and we have grown to consider the AASBO team as
        Texas, Utah, and Washington.    e company assisted in pioneering  second to none with the continued support of cultivating our e  orts
        the Sprayfoam roo  ng system, and installs other major roof types  in K-12,” Radobenko said. “Our corporation also has an enormous
        such as single ply, asphalt modi  ed/built up, metal, tile, and shingles.  passion for kids. We hope to lend many hands through our social
        In addition, Roo  ng Southwest o  ers myriad restoration systems to  outreaches to help build communities and make a positive impact in
        prolong the existing life of roofs.                    any way we can.    is association gives us a large network of people
           R.J.  Radobenko, President of Roo  ng Southwest, explained why  and districts in need, allowing us to direct our social outreach e  orts
        schools should consider his   rm for all their roo  ng needs: “We are  to positively impact more kids, parents, and families.”
        committed to understanding the unique nature of doing work with   Roofing Southwest representatives regularly attend AASBO
        school districts.  In the ‘Roo  ng World,’ every project is custom.  events, including M and O workshops, Vendor Buyer conferences
        Workmanship and experience are proven success benchmarks in  and Spring and Summer conferences.    ey also participate in the
        our industry.”                                         education sessions and serve on several AASBO committees.
           Radobenko said his   rm creates needed competition to a market   “Our K-12 education team has over 25 years of experience in the
        that is lacking competition.  “By hiring us at Roo  ng Southwest,  Arizona K-12 market and in AASBO participation,” Radobenko
        school districts can be assured that they will get a company with  said. “We truly enjoy working with AASBO.    e sta   at AASBO
        strong bonding capacity, a stellar safety record, and employees  is outstanding – truly caring and helpful. Our AASBO Vendor
        quali  ed and familiar with work on occupied campuses,” he said.  Representative did an outstanding job bringing new speakers to
        “We will put together maintenance programs and help districts  AASBO this year.”
        stretch bond dollars and capture grant funding available for roo  ng   Of  course,  Roo  ng  Southwest  will  have  a major  presence  at
        projects. We also have a strong assessment team that can analyze the  the upcoming  Summer Conference in Tucson. “Yes, we will rock
        existing condition of your roo  ng system and put together a short-  AASBO this year,” Radobenko said. “We are planning some surprises,
        term and long-term capital and maintenance plan.”      so you are going to want to stop by our booth!  We are happy to do
           A roo  ng project for a school or education facility presents unique  introductory roo  ng/advanced classes-anytime!”
        challenges, requiring additional steps that some roofers may overlook.   Radobenko reminds school districts that preventative maintenance
        “For example,” Radobenko said, “the safety of the students is the most  will stretch the life of your roof. “Roo  ng is a life safety construction
        important aspect of any school. Roo  ng Southwest makes sure its  project,” he said. “Look for Building Renewal Funds from the School
        employees are run through a complete background check to screen  Facilities Board to keep your roo  ng sound and your students safe.
        out anyone who might present a danger to children or teachers. To  Also, keep in mind there is a labor shortage looming for the roo  ng
        ensure the safety of the students, facility and grounds, a professional  industry.    e monsoon season is coming, so schedule your roo  ng
        roofer should be bonded and insured to the proper amount. Roo  ng  projects soon.”
        Southwest has the capability to bond up to $10 million per project,
        and carries an unlimited aggregate bonding capacity.”  For more information, contact Sue Sylvester, Vice President of
           Another factor of special interest to schools is the work schedule.  Business Development, Roo  ng Southwest / Sprayfoam Southwest,
        “Most schools prefer to make repairs or undertake major renovations  at SueS@Roo or (602) 909-1171.                        ARIZONA PURCHASING & FOOD SERVICE COOPERATIVES

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