Page 19 - School Finance Manual 2023-24
P. 19

How Budgets are Categorized cont.                                                                19

            Other Instructional Programs  -                     The monies in this fund must be used to supplement,
            Program 610 - 630                                   rather than supplant, existing monies and must not be
            These programs are used to account for activities that   used for administrative purposes.
            add to a student’s educational experience. These activi-
            ties typically include events and activities that take place   In  2018,  the  Arizona  Legislature  passed  SB1390  to
            outside  the  traditional  classroom.  Some  examples  of   extend the Classroom Site Fund for another 20 years.
            such activities are athletics, band, choir, and debate.  In 2021, the Arizona Legislature passed SB1139 which
                                                                included a few provisions:
            Classroom Site Fund 010                             •   eliminated the requirement to divide the classroom
                                                                site fund dollars between teacher base salary increases,
            The  Classroom  Site  Fund  (CSF),  as  prescribed  by   performance-based  compensation and maintenance
            A.R.S. §15-977, was orginally established in fiscal year   and operations (menu options)
            2002 to account for the portion of state sales tax collec-  •   expanded the  use to  include “student support
            tions and State Trust Land income provided to school   services” as an allowable expense (function 2100)
            districts as an  additional source of funding for teacher   While school districts no longer are required to distribute
            salary increases and other specified maintenance and   the  funds  in  the  original  20/40/40  manner,  the  over-
            operation  purposes.  The  amount  that  school  districts   arching allowable uses remain the same:
            receive from the State to use at school sites is based
            on actual tax collections, not to exceed the Joint Legis-  Base Salary
            lative Budget Committee (JLBC) annual estimate.     Monies in this category can only be used for teacher

            A.R.S. §15-978 establishes the Classroom Site Fund   base  salary  increases,  teacher  employment  related
            Budget Limit (CSFBL) as the JLBC’s current estimate,   expenses,  and  registered  warrant  expenses  for  this
            plus  any  prior  year’s  unexpended  budget  balance   fund.
            and  interest  earnings  in  the  CSF.  Budget  control  is
            applied at the total CSF level (i.e., Fund 010 expen-  Performance Pay
            ditures  cannot  exceed  the  CSFBL). The  restrictions   Monies  in  this  category  can  only  be  used  for  perfor-
            placed on the original allocation of revenues apply in   mance-based teacher compensation increases, teacher
            all  future  years.  Therefore,  the  unexpended  budget   employment-related expenses, and registered warrant
            balance must be carried forward in the CSF special   expenses for this fund.
            revenue fund.
                                                                Each district must adopt a Classroom Site Fund Pay
            The CSF is a budget-controlled fund; therefore, districts   for Performance Compensation Plan  on or before
            may make expenditures in the Fund that are within the   December 31st of each year.
            CSFBL, prior to receiving cash in which case warrants
            would be registered for the fund.                              Other

                                                                           Monies in this category can only be used
            Laws  2009,  3rd  Special  Session,                            for the following maintenance and opera-
            Chapter 11, amended A.R.S. 15-977 to                           tion purposes: class size reduction; teacher
            require that classroom site fund budget                        compensation increases (including base
            limit be adjusted for any prior year carry-                    pay  and  performance  pay);  assessment
            forward  or  shortfall.  For  FY2023,  the                     intervention  programs;  teacher  devel-
            budget amount per weighted student                             opment;  dropout  prevention  programs;
            was set at $711.
                                                                           teacher liability insurance premiums; and
                                                                           student support services.

            Arizona Association of School Business Officials   |   School Finance Summary Manual
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