Page 27 - School Finance Manual 2023-24
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Acronyms                                                                                         27

            A: Autistic                                         K–8: Kindergarten through Eighth Grade

            AASBO: Arizona Association of School Business Officials  K–12: Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
            ACFR: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (which   M&O: Maintenance and Operation
              replaced the previous Comprehensive Annual Financial   MIID: Mild Intellectual Disability
              Report)                                           MD: Multiple Disabilities
            ADA: Average Daily Attendance                       OAG: Office of the Auditor General

            ADE: Arizona Department of Education                OHI: Other Health Impairments
            ADM: Average Daily Membership                       OI: Orthopedic Impairment
            AFR: Annual Financial Report                        PFP: Pay for Performance

            AGO: Attorney General Office                        PSD: Pre-School with Disabilities
            AOI: Arizona Online Instruction (formerly TAPBI)    QTL: Qualifying Tax Levy
            ARS or A.R.S.: Arizona Revised Statute              QTR: Qualifying Tax Rate
            ASBA: Arizona School Boards Association             R: Resource
            A.V.: Assessed Value                                RCL: Revenue Control Limit

            BBCF: Budget Balance Carry forward                  SAIS: Student Accountability Information System
            BSL: Base Support Level                             SC: Self-Contained
            CEC: Certificates of Educational Convenience        SDER: School District Employee Report

            CORL: Capital Outlay Revenue Limit                  SFOB: School Facilities Oversight Board
            CPI: Consumer Price Index                           SLD: Specific Learning Disability
            CSF: Classroom Site Fund                            SLI: Speech/Language Impairment
            CTED: Career Technological Education District       SID: Severe Intellectual Disability
            DAA: District Additional Assistance                 Students FIRST: Fair and Immediate Resources For

            DD: Developmental Delayed                             Students Today
            DSL: District Support Level                         TANS: Tax Anticipation Notes
            ED: Emotionally Disabled                            TEI: Teacher Experience Index

            ELL: English Language Learners                      TRCL: Transportation Revenue Control Limit
            ESY: Extended School Year                           TSL: Transportation Support Level
            FRPL: Free and Reduced Lunch                        USFR: Uniform System of Financial Records
            G: Gifted
            GDP: Gross Domestic Product

            K: Kindergarten
            K–3: Kindergarten through Third Grade

            Arizona Association of School Business Officials   |   School Finance Summary Manual
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